Saturday, May 23, 2009

What’s The Best Network Marketing Opportunity For You?

Are you looking for a good network marketing opportunity? Want to tap into the secrets of Internet billionaires? Wish to be a top revenue maker? Then you should follow in the footsteps of successful marketers, and do what they do find a network marketing opportunity that feels tailor-made for you.

But you should exercise extreme discretion while choosing your network marketing opportunity. Make sure you don’t waste your time, money and efforts. Here are a few ways to decide if a network marketing opportunity is right for you or not.

Look for programs that depend primarily on the actual value and need for the products not on the "opportunity" for you to make money. In the latter situation, the program is often actually a pyramid device where the money is locked in by the company and a small group of upline distributors.

Like in any other market, you should take into consideration the normal dynamics of supply and demand. Beware if the program allows unlimited recruiting of distributors with no territorial protection or other provisions for preventing market saturation.

Review the products on offer and ask yourself if they can be sold in the market on its own merit without the network marketing opportunity. Make sure the products are consistent in quality and all health claims are backed by reliable research.

You as a distributor should be able to make a good income just by selling the products, without recruiting a single person. The commission paid by the company should not be so low that you have to recruit a downline to earn a significant income.

Make an informed decision. Ask the company to disclose the average payout to distributors by percentiles (highest 1%, second highest 1%, and so on to the lowest 1%) so that you can fairly determine your chances of success. Ask for the net payout after product purchases for all distributors, even those that are not active.

The company should offer an adequate support infrastructure to handle a temporary burst of volume. Are conferences and training programs, audio and video tapes, etc., free of charge (as is the case elsewhere for company sponsored programs), or are you expected to pay for them -- as another revenue source for the company and upline?

Consider each of these points and take time to decide for yourself what will be the best network marketing opportunity for you to attain prosperity, independence and a secure future.

Becoming A Network Marketer's Dream Come True

Call Centers have been around for a while, but haven't been widely deployed in the network marketing community. This is beginning to change. The results of those groups who use call centers have been stagering. Let me explain how call centers can help your network marketing efforts.

Home-based businesses involving network marketing have some major problems. The main one is that often times prospects who join have no idea how much work it takes to build a large group of people under them.

This is a major problem because when people join, they might try it out for a few months and then quickly become overwhelmed and then quit when they don't see the results they were hoping for. This means that all the time that the network marketer spent in getting that person to join has now been wasted.

Let me explain what a call center is, and I'll use the Coastal Call Center as an example. The coastal call center is filled with professionally-trained sales staff, who do 95% of the work for the network marketer. The coastal call center staff will answer the phone, present the business plan to prospects calling in, do all the follow-up, and eventually close the sale.

With the coastal call center model, a network marketer's main responsibility is simply to advertise, and get people to call the coastal call center phone number, with a tracking code that identifies which network marketer referred the prospect.

From the surface it may seem like the only person this benefits from the call center model is the network marketer, since they no longer have to do the grunt work of answering phones, presenting the plan and following up.

However, there is another often overlooked benefit to this. It actually helps sales tremendously because prospects are now told that they don't have to do anything except advertise. Now, advertising and marketing may not be the most appealing idea to the prospect, but it certainly beats having to do everything else along with advertising!

If your network marketing organization is not using call centers, you may want to consider opening a call center. Your group will quickly embrace the idea that they no longer have to do all the work themselves, and you will see increased sales as a result!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why Network Marketing?

Put simply, Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. If you have been looking for ways to earn a good residual income from home, then network marketing may be the right choice for you. Right now, when you are reading this, there are vast opportunities building up in network marketing programs. So this is just the right time for you to pitch in and start building your business.

In network marketing, the work you put in today will provide a residual income for you and your family for years to come.

The distribution process, used in traditional marketing, moves a product from the manufacturer to the warehouser to the wholesaler to the retailer to the end customer. On the other hand, network marketing companies use a network of independent marketers to move the product directly from the manufacturer to the end customer.

As one of these independent marketers, you earn a percentage of the profit on all sales you make. Of course, it’s quite possible for you to earn a good income by selling the product directly to the customer, but the real punch in network marketing lies in the power it gives you to build a downline. You have the freedom to build a downline of other independent marketers below you. As a result, you stand to gain by earning a percentage of their combined sales.

Give it some thought. As a traditional marketer, you may be quite happy with the handful of existing customers you already have. But imagine the potential of having a downline of, say, a hundred people who also make some sales and you’re earning a percentage of all those sales!! By having a downline working under you, you can effectively multiply the time you put into your work. Imagine having a downline of 1,000 people each putting in only an hour a day five days a week. In one month 20,000 hours of work would be done. It would take one person alone 10 years to produce the same amount of work.

So it IS possible, you know, to make huge amounts of monthly incomes from network marketing. It isn’t all hype. All you need is some hard work and basic intelligence, as in any other job. So why not try and make this work? After all, you won’t have to do the 9 to 5 grind five days a week. You’ll have more time for your family and yourself. Don’t you find that wonderful?

Would You Like To Use The Internet To Earn Money?

About two years ago, I tentatively set up business on the internet. It was a very long and involved process for me because I was afraid to do something wrong. I was afraid I would hurt my computer or my website.

But that most difficult learning process is over now. Even though I hired Diane Bryan ( to create the website to my specifications, I can now make many necessary modifications all by myself. I can definitely write and publish my own newsletters and journal articles.

When I began to consider what type of website I wanted to establish, I went to the library and read everything I could about styling and formatting. I chose to follow Seth Godin's advice. He 'taught' me to personalize my site and BE MY REAL SELF. I chose to reveal who I really am and chose to list my phone #, address, and other contact information.

I think it's important to view people on the internet as REAL PEOPLE.

An important part of the website is my Enjoying Health Newsletter. Each month I send this personally written newsletter to a growing list of people who pass it on to their own contacts (if they like what I've written). It's a wonderful outlet for me to write about things that are really important to me. I emphasize total health: body, soul, and spirit. I sell therapeutic essential oils for medicinal and emotional use, but with the newsletter I can expand my horizons and write about total, not just bodily health. The foundation of my website is much broader than highest quality therapeutic essential oils and supplements for sale. I'm happy about that.

As time goes along, I'm learning how to connect my site to others and so gain exposure. I want to encourage you to take the plunge yourself and learn to navigate on the web. You'll have to educate yourself according to your own leanings. You'll learn how to express your unique self to a huge, worldwide audience. I highly recommend doing business on the internet because of the potential to attract so many customers; but I recommend it just as highly for the sake of self expression.

Network marketing on the internet MAY be for you. Be open minded as you do your research. It's a grassroots movement, highly effective and can be quite rewarding. To sell network marketing most easily, you simply think of the other person's needs and try to satisfy them. Identify with them in their problems and see if you can solve them together by using your business opportunity.

For instance, do you have a health problem or low energy? My business opportunities fall within the alternative health field and I would lead you toward experimentation with my products IF YOU WERE LEANING that way. If we can achieve some health improvements, everyone is encouraged and my business flourishes as well. No hard sell, no hard feelings. I let my prospects feel my empathy and true concern for them...and I let them lead the conversation. I do a lot of listening and asking questions.

Hopefully, you're encouraged. If you have specific questions after reading this free report, please feel free to call me.