Friday, December 5, 2008

People DO NOT Buy From Websites......

by: Mal Keenan

Of course the title of this article IS NOT complete as $1,000,000s in sales are made every day by online entrepreneurs. What it should have read to be more accurate was "People DO NOT buy from websites....they buy from other people".

It is a common misconception that you can set up a sales page online and that the rest will fall into place. The sales will roll in and if you create the perfect website and send some targeted visitors consistently then you will be rich. This idea was very far from the whole truth.

Of course if you do create a top selling website and send the right type of visitors you will make sales but to be a REAL success you need to do a lot more than that. Or should I say BE a lot more than that.

Selling is more about selling yourself than it is about selling a product.

I struggled online for years and was completely unaware of the reasons why I had not become a resounding success. This was especially true in my network marketing ventures. I would add 100s of new members yet would watch as my organisation crumbled, or more often than not, never even get off the ground.

The problem was that to the people in my downlines I was a name and a number, they didn't know anything about ME and until this was the case, nothing happened. I made very few sales and even less members of my team joined in the recruiting efforts.

It wasn't until I started to make myself known online that sales really started to take off. My online revenue continues to grow as I continue to do this.

A few things come to mind that can help build trust with your downline and online prospects in general:

1.Post a picture of yourself on your website.

2.Use your full name on your website.

3.When posting in online forums use your full name as your nickname rather than an obscure username.

4.Send regular emails to your downline and get personal, tell them a little bit about yourself. No need to go into details about your last counselling session. Be general.:-)

5. Answer ALL emails from your team and visitors to your site, even the ones that you know won't result in a sale. It lets them know you are a REAL person and may result in future sales.

6. Consider building a team website or forum to further your web presence and brand your name.

These are just a few of the tactics you can use to ensure that those who do visit or join your team will find it a lot more comfortable in buying from you and getting involved in the business. I'm sure there are many more. Can you think of any?

If you aren't already building trust with your prospects then you ARE losing out in a big per centage of sales. The sale per visitor ratio on my sites has risen dramatically since I employed the above strategies and I'm sure they will do with yours also.

Try them immediately and find out.

I wish you continued success.

Network Marketing Success Starts With You!

by: Mike Law

There are many different techniques that successful network marketers have used, and it is tempting to look at another system, think that's far easier, and try to change what you are already doing. A big mistake! Find a system that works and don't let yourself be distracted. When your income is secure then perhaps you can experiment, but even then it could slow your progress.

Success for a network marketer starts in the mind. More than any other business you need to have a positive attitude. Remember this key point if nothing else. Believe that you will build a business and you are on your way. If you have doubts they will slowly sabotage your success, and this can be amplified if the only people you associate with don't understand what you are doing.

This is the reason that traditional networking companies have opportunity meetings and sizzle sessions. So that you associate with like minded individuals who are positive and goal-oriented, and so that their knowledge and belief rubs off on you. If your company is internet based you will find that they have conference calls, forums and chatrooms to keep people motivated and focussed.

Information about your product and recommended promotional techniques can be discussed, but the most important benefit of these real life, or virtual, meetings is that they help to keep your attitude about your life and business positive.

A good network marketing company will supply you with a list of recommended books. Some even go so far as to say, "I will not work with you unless you read X, Y, and Z". A good diet of positive and motivational books will build your belief in yourself and your business, and can serve as an alternative or an add-on to your meetings.

Your own mind is the biggest barrier to success in network marketing, and the influence you allow others to have over it. The development of a great communication system with people in your upline and your team is the key to any networking system. You can distribute flyers, business cards and put up notices, but if you don't connect with other people in your business, and maintain a positive attitude your networking business will stagnate.

But if you work hard at improving your attitude, and use the above tools to dispel any doubts you may have you will find that your network marketing business will grow by leaps and bounds. As they say, "it's all in the mind"!