Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to Succeed in MLM Without Really Trying

by: Steve Lowell

How do you succeed in MLM without really trying? can’t!
But now that I have your attention, here are some ideas that will make the business building process far easier then most people experience.

There are many reasons why people find MLM difficult, there are two, however, that stand out above the rest:

1. They use an “inbound” recruiting methodology
2. They recruit the wrong people

Let’s take a look at number 1; “inbound” recruiting methodology:

Most people try to recruit by focusing on the exact wrong information. The typical approach is to throw enough information at the prospect (company, compensation plan, products etc) that, hopefully the prospect will find something that he likes and join the business. The problem with this approach is…well…it doesn’t work! At least not often enough for most people to build a solid business.
I call this “inbound” methodology because it’s all about trying to recruit people for the sole reason of building YOUR business…it’s about your gain, not theirs.

I have had countless people try to “recruit” me by trying to impress me with their wonderful company, revolutionary compensation plan or cutting edge product, but no one has yet to ask me a single question about my needs, wants or “don’t-wants.” No one has asked me any questions that identify weather or not I might be interested in looking at making as change.
An outbound process is when we identify true prospects by trying to help those who have an unwanted condition in their lives which could be solved by their participation in our business.

People will not migrate towards change unless they require change. So, step number one is to identify the unwanted condition or the needs, wants and “don’t-wants” then offer the prospect the opportunity to explore a solution for THEIR reasons…not yours. See the difference?

If you are struggling in MLM, it could be because you are trying to recruit people for the wrong reason, thus, using the exact wrong approach and as a result of all that, recruiting the wrong people.

This brings us to point number 2; recruiting the wrong people:

Identify people who have a requirement for change first; people who have expressed through conversation some unwanted condition that might prompt them into action. Even then, you need to further qualify them as a prospect before your spout off about your company, your products or your awesome compensation plan.

The people you should be looking for are people who have a specific set of qualities. The ideal type of people who make the best business building partners are those people who…

1. have a desire for change,
2. are people oriented type individuals,
3. are influential, in as much as they commend respect from the people in their lives and have an impact on the lives of others,
4. are involved in service clubs, networking business clubs, or active in the community; they understand the concept of networking as part of a legitimate business model,

5. are financially able to invest in their business in order to facilitate growth.

The more of these characteristics an individual possesses, the more likely they will be to actually succeed in network marketing. Once you have qualified your prospect using these criteria and determined that they posses enough of these characteristics to be considered a good prospect, only then should we begin the process of trying to help them solve their unwanted condition by inviting them to explore a solution.

How to leverage the Internet in MLM

Most people who try to leverage the Internet to build their MLM business wake up to the rude awakening that Network Marketing in the Internet age requires a whole lot more than just having a web site.

Your marketing system should fulfill four critical functions in order to peek the interest of your prospect to the point where they either come back to you for more information, or they remove themselves from the prospect pool.

First of all, your system should promote you as a professional. This adds to your credibility and makes it much easier for your prospects to understand that you are serious about your business and that you are capable of helping them.

To accomplish this, whatever resource you use to begin to promote your business should somehow be professionally labeled or marked as coming from you. This is not to say that you must be the author or presenter of the material, but that material should be accompanied buy some promotional entity which depicts you as the deliverer of professional information.

If your resources are on-line, you should have a professional looking photo and/or a short professional bio on the web site.

By promoting yourself first as a reliable source of information, you will build trust and rapport with your prospects, increasing their chances of allowing you the privilege of helping them solve their unwanted condition.

The second critical function of your marketing system should be to emotionally engage your prospect so that they can relate to the information on a personal level. By presenting an emotionally compelling presentation, your prospect’s mind will be more accepting to the information that follows.

Remember that the reason your prospect is examining your information in the first place is because they have indicated a specific discontent that they need to have serviced. Your marketing system should remind them of the feelings of discontent that they experience, so that they become excited about the possibility of solving that discontent.

Since most decisions are made based on how we feel, it is critical that your prospect become emotionally involved. This emotional involvement will help your prospect to make the decision to continue exploring your information.

Appeal to your prospects emotional senses using specific questioning, a generic audio, video or on-line presentation which brings your prospect’s sense of discontent back to the surface in order to prepare them for the next step.

The third function of your marketing system should be to educate your prospect so that your prospect is clear that this is a network marketing business.

In a previous article entitled “100% Rejection Free MLM Prospecting”, I provided the following advice, and it’s worth repeating here because it is highly critical to the effectiveness of your on-line prospecting initiatives:

Don’t trick your prospects into attending a meeting or live presentation if they are unaware that your business is MLM. This turns people off, and makes them feel manipulated and it puts you in a position where you may have to deal with those objections yourself.

Use a system that informs the prospect of the MLM nature of your business without your input. That way, you will not attract difficult questions from your prospect. If your prospect is completely un-accepting of the MLM business model, they will bow out of the process at this point.

By using a video or other tool to inform your prospect that your business in Network Marketing, you allow the prospect to absorb and consider that information on their own time on their own terms. They will be much more appreciative of this consideration than if they had invested time to attend a lengthy “opportunity meeting”

You want to know if your prospect is resistant to the MLM business model at this point so that you can stop investing time in trying to recruit someone who does not want to be recruited. This is a major problem area for most inexperienced network marketers.

The fourth function of your marketing system is to pre-qualify your prospect by requiring some sort of action on the part of the prospect.

Maybe they have to fill in a form on-line, or complete a short questionnaire. If your prospect completes the required action, after they have been educated, that will tell you that your prospect understands that your business is MLM and they are accepting of the concept and they are likely open to exploring your offerings further…otherwise they would not have completed the process.

The reason this is so important is because by giving your prospect a task to complete, you are pre-qualifying their level of commitment to solving their discontent, and you are giving them an easy way out in that if they decide that they are not interested in following through any further, they simply wont complete the task.

This removes the rejection factor completely from the equation, and allows you to invest your time only with those prospects who have demonstrated a sincere interest by completing the tasks requested of them.

The marketing system that I use is a compilation of generic systems, connected together to form an effective and easy to follow marketing and pre-qualification system which can be used by any network marketing professional in any network marketing business.

by: Steve Lowell

Friday, August 15, 2008

How To Guarantee Your Success In Network Marketing

All our life, we have been taught by our parents, friends, and the media the same thing. Go to school. Get good grades so that you can get into the best colleges or universities around. If you follow that then you can get a ‘good’ job. You will be set for life.

Not really true….

With Job cuts, corporate restructuring, and layoffs still being reported in the news almost every single day, it is not surprising that this concept of life isn't really true any more.
A lot of people are now looking to start their own business so that they can have more financial security, more freedom, more choices, and more time to be with their family. As the economy continues to plummet and layoffs and bankruptcies fill the news, isn't it your time to take the bull by the horns and secure your and your family's financial future?

Here are 6 steps that you need to follow in order for you to be a successful network marketer:

1. You got to have patience.
They don’t say 2-5 years for nothing. Many new people who do get involved in network marketing think that they will make a nice comfortable full time income in just a few months. Very few do that, but it will take you some time. So make sure that you give your business at least 2 years to succeed. If you don't, you are on the right track to FAILURE.

2. They have the persistence of a bulldog.
The lack of persistence and consistency is one of the major causes of failure. Many people are good "starters" but very poor "finishers" of everything they start. They tend to give up at the first sign of defeat. Successful network marketers know that it is important to be persistent and consistent even though they work hard and don’t see any results for a while.

3. They set goals.
Athletes, successful business-people, lawyers, doctors, and great achievers in all fields use goal setting. Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% higher success rate of achieving them.

4. They set short-term goals.
Short-term goals are usually simpler and easier than long-term goals.
Why? Well, writing them can help you have more frequent victories, and building momentum with each one you complete. If you do that, you can have more excitement and more motivation as you reach those goals on time. When you do reach you short-term goals, don't forget to reward yourself and celebrate.

5. They write down their WHY.
Why did they really get into network marketing for? What made them start their own business? Is it because they wanted to be their own boss? Is it because they wanted more freedom and time to spend with their family? More money? What ever their WHY is, they always know it so that it keeps them going when things are not going well for them.

6. They replace their negative self-talk.
They know that they are the creator of their thoughts and beliefs. Successful network marketers know how to replace negative self-talk and change it to positive self-talk. People, especially friends and family, try to brain wash them along the way. They tell them that they will not succeed. They laugh at them. They tease them that it won't work. But they don’t listen. They work their business and make it work. At the end they become so successful that family and friend evantually join them too.

Here are some more insider secrets to how the average person like you and me make it big in network marketing:

*They market daily. In other words, they contact more people and they advertise more on a daily basis. They don't do this once a week or once a month. They work their business everyday.
*They believe that they will succeed, without a shadow of a doubt.
*They read motivational books on a daily basis.
*They train their first level downline members to duplicate their efforts. They show them how to use the products. They show them how to advertise. They show them what books to read and what tapes to listen to.
*They listen and learn from others, especially from their upline.
* They follow up on their leads at least six times. Don’t forget, the fortune is in the follow up.
*They are willing to step out of their comfort zone. Many people don’t like to step out of their comfort zone and that is why they never succeed in network marketing.
*A successful network marketer is no MLM junkie. An MLM junkie is someone who jumps from one network marketing company to another. These people never make it in network marketing.

The clock is ticking. Get into network marketing now and stick with it no matter what so that your future and the future of those you love is more secured.

by: Tal Fighel

How to Explode Your Database Marketing And Back-End Sales To Increase Your Bottom Line Profits

Set up multiple simultaneous marketing campaigns with database marketing automation email software that get results exploding your internet business marketing while growing multiple optin lists, prospects consistent follow, increasing Back End Sales, and bottom line profits.

When you don’t follow up your prospects or customers with additional information, you are allowing valuable customers and prospects to skip from your grasp, go to your competitors, and satisfied their needs, at the expense of what should have been you’re your profits.

Those are customers that may have been very interested in your products, but simply lost your information, or were too busy when your information was sent. Some customers will purposely wait to see if you find them important enough to follow-up their inquiries. When they don’t receive a follow up message, they take their business elsewhere.

I don’t know about you, but just about everyone doing business on the Net been in that position, because of failing to automate their follow up. Though it’s been found that customer follow up at preset times with pre-written messages, dramatically increases sales.

The exception, those who automated their marketing campaigns, their list and database management, and automated their follow up with personalized email marketing software; and, they dramatically increased their back end sales and bottom line profits.

But, just as important as the increase of sales and profits, is the time saving features of marketing automation, as is the case with email marketing, the single most important aspect of database marketing and back end sales.

Other benefits of doing internet business with email marketing automation is the ability to follow up with prospects, while following through collecting leads, prospects, and customers email addresses and personal data, from a target market; growing an opt-in list of subscribers, managing multiple lists as a list server, and setting up multiple marketing campaigns with unlimited autoresponders.

Regardless of the spam problems of these days, email still remains most effective medium for:

• Keeping customers posted on new products and specials
• Ongoing personalized dialogue with website visitors
• Proactively getting customer satisfaction and testimonials
• Prospects follow up and requesting more information
• Keeping track of all contacts and email communication
• Introducing new products to your contact database
• Motivating and training your employees and associates
• Educating your customers and prospects

And the list could go on and on with no other limitation than the marketer’s creativity and imagination, or the email marketing automation software he’s using to automate his customers follow up.
Automated prospect follow up is the solution to selling more on the Internet, and specifically, for more back end sales. There is a wide range of email marketing automation software on the market now a days, some more sophisticated, easier to use, and more expensive than others.

As important, is the ability of data merge for personalized email to potential customers, prospects, newsletters subscribers, clients, colleagues, organization members, affiliate or associates, and network marketing downlines; and, automated add and remove contact data from its database.

Other than the above, the software should allow for the seamless input of prospects on the front end, and when they come out the other end, they have all the information they need to make an intelligent decision to buy, to join an affiliate program, or sign up to a Network Marketing downline.

Other important technical features for the email marketing software of your choice would be, the capacity of sending email through multiple simultaneous threads (at least 10 threads), at a sending average rate of 15 emails per thread; and an email address verifier, to verify new contacts email addresses and keeping your list clean from those entering a fake email address only to download your bonus.

Finally, the email software must have the capacity to handle the entire user unknown, undeliverable, and bounce back messages. This feature is very important to keep a clean list, and avoid being filtered by the ISP’s servers as Spam, because of too many undeliverable taking up their band width.

With an email marketing and database management software with all the above features, a Marketer or internet business operator you can set up, operate, and manage multiple programs, multiple marketing campaigns; and, also running multiple special offers, simultaneously and effortlessly.

For Netprenuers with an affiliate program, or into network marketing, this kind of software can help training associates, affiliates, and downlines, via email, on subjects such as distributor handbooks, marketing materials, or instructions for a quick jump start.

Finally, if you’re an e-publisher, this software provide the capacity for multiple broadcasting of newsletter or ezines; as well as to automatically submit article to hundreds of ezines editors at once..

by: Charles Longsworth

How To Create A Successful Work at Home Business

Many people have tried or are currently trying to make money online today. Only a small percentage of these people have actually gone on to achieve enormous amounts of success. The reason for so many failures is that people simply do not know how to create a home based business or even where to start.

I am going to share with you the four things that the online Guru’s do not want you to know because if you did, they wouldn’t have a job anymore. The four areas of focus will be on finding a niche market, building income streams, affiliate programs and networking.

Finding a niche market is your number one priority when starting a home based business. This means that you will have to do a little research and find the products or services everyone is looking for. Contact people already successful with a home business and find out what they are selling and how they started. When I first started myself, I signed up to money making forums and contacted people already making a living working out of their homes. I was shocked to find that these people were very helpful and provided me with plenty of valuable resources.

Once you have found a niche market, go with it and stick with it. Its important not to give up if you fail the first time around, persistence is the key. Continue to diversify and research other programs that are a match for you. Do not rely on one program as a main source of income, rather seek out other opportunities and create multiple sources of streaming income.

Network marketing is a fast growing business online today and an extremely effective way to build a business fast. Whatever product, program or service you decide to go with, become an expert on the subject matter and build a network with other people that share a common interest. When you are able to network your business with other business partners, it is possible to quadruple your income in a very short period of time.

Resell your program, product or service. There are thousands of affiliates making millions of dollars today simply by reselling their programs online. Affiliate marketing is a fast growing online business and can be done by virtually anyone. There are plenty of affiliate programs available online that will offer commissions anywhere from 5% to 75% on each sale.

Building a home business requires dedication and persistence. Following these four simple steps will help anyone achieve there goals and the financial freedom they have been looking for.

by: Timothy Rohrer

Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Choose The Right Network Marketing Opportunity.

by: shawn johnson

I think it's fair to say that most of us have at one time or another been introduced to network marketing by friends, family, or even complete strangers. And they always make it sound so easy, don't they? We are told that all it takes is a few e-mails or a phone call or two and then it's afternoons lounging on some tropical beach.

Of course, anyone who has joined a network marketing opportunity knows it isn't quite that easy. But this doesn't necessarily mean that network marketing is a scam either. There are thousands of people who are enjoying a massive residual income every month from work they only had to do once. But how do you choose which network marketing opportunity is the right one for you?


The first and most important thing to look out for is to make sure the opportunity your interested in is a legitimate one and not a pyramid scheme. And the best way to do this is by looking at the company’s product. A pyramid scheme will usually have a product of little or no value that is used mainly for the recruitment of others. Ask yourself if it is something that you can use and sell outside of the program?

Would you buy and use the company’s product even if you were not involved in the income opportunity? If the product is only useful in recruiting others into the program than you should probably stay away from it. And do you truly believe in the product? No, not because your sponsor tells you how great it is, but do YOU really believe that the company’s product is worth buying?

And is there a need for the product? I once watched a show where people submitted their inventions in a contest and as all of these people gave their presentations I remember thinking "wow, these are all really cool!" But as the judges began tearing the inventions apart I realized that while some of the inventions were pretty nifty, they weren't really very useful to anyone besides those who invented them. So make sure that the company's product has a real demand for it.


We have been told most of our lives that you get what you pay for. While this may be true with a lot of other things, it is not necessarily so with network marketing. It is easy to believe that because an income opportunity is low cost it must not work, and if it is expensive than it must make you money. This is not true, in fact it is quite the opposite.

The more expensive an opportunity is, the harder it is going to be to get people involved. And the harder you are going to kick yourself in the backside if it ends up not working for you. There are plenty of lucrative opportunities that cost between forty and two hundred dollars. Remember, you will still need money to advertise your business.


How much money you will actually make from each sale is a huge factor in determining your financial success. Make sure that the company is giving you a reasonable commission. If you only get a buck or two from every sale you make this is most likely not going to be very profitable for you.

Try to avoid programs that force you to go wide on your first level, or who don't reward you for going deep. The average network marketer only recruits two to four people, so you will want an opportunity that allows your downline to go deep which will make it easier for everyone and may help people from quitting the program.

Many companies also offer incentives such as fast start bonuses which can really jumpstart your earnings. You should be rewarded for your work right? There are many opportunities that have excellent bonuses so there is really no need to join one that does not.

The Company

It is always good to know who you are dealing with. Do a little research on the company and the program your thinking about getting involved with. Are there any complaints or lawsuits against them? Do former members relate awful experiences in network marketing forums?
You also don't want to get involved with a company too early or too late. Make sure they have been in business long enough to establish that they are trustworthy but at the same time you don't want to get involved so late that the market has already become saturated.


The success of your network marketing business depends greatly on your ability to keep your downline members active and to train them to recruit and keep their downline active as well. Duplication is the key to success with network marketing. The program should have great marketing tools, training, and excellent customer support. Some opportunities even have a members only forum which is a huge plus.

Recruiting Friends and Family

It can be really exciting when you first join a network marketing opportunity. Your full of energy, motivated about the product, and eager to get started. But you really should give yourself at least six months and some sales before you start calling the family tree.
That way if after the first two months it doesn't work out you won't feel stupid and have to hear "I told you so" from your loved ones. If your presenting a new opportunity to them every month it won't take very long before you won't be taken seriously.

Free Trials

The majority of opportunities have anywhere from a 7 to 30 day free trial where you can have full access to the program. This is the best way to see if it is going to work for you. Just make sure that you do a little research and see if the company honors these free trials without problems. Since most opportunities these days have a free trial, you need to think hard before deciding if you should join one that does not.
Network Marketing can have great rewards, or great consequences. These tips can steer you in the right direction and help you avoid some of the common mistakes that many of us make when getting involved in network marketing.

Most importantly, always go with your gut instincts and use common sense. If an opportunity doesn't seem right to you...Don't Do It! I have yet to come across a "once in a lifetime" opportunity so there is ALWAYS time to take a breather and do some research. Don't worry, the program will still be there tomorrow.

How To Attract Prospects To Your Business Magnetically

by: David Pineda

A magnet has the properties to attract certain metals, and a magnetic person has the qualities, talents, or skills to attract others in a magnetic like manner.

In the world of network marketing, how can someone acquire that type of personality, how can someone become a magnetic sponsor, and develop a large base of customers using magnetic like attributes?

Before I answer that question, read this quote:
"Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill. They wanted a hole. Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise information about making holes – NOT information about drills!" - Perry Marshall

There is a lot of meaning behing this quote, but in a few words it contains the secret to becoming a highly successfull magnetic sponsor.
Would you rather spend $200 bucks on a drill, or first get free or inexpensive information to learn how to operate that drill properly and effectively? If you are like me, I am sure you would first learn more about how you can make a good hole with this tool before making that kind of purchase.

Would you rather buy from a salesperson who insists that his/her drill is the best tool for what you want to do? I wouldn't. Because I don't like to be sold, and I don't like people to pitch their sales number on me.

Would you rather buy from a person who gave you free information or inexpensive information on how to properly operate, and get the best results from that tool, and who did not try to pitch a drill on you?

Again, if you are like me, you would buy from a person who first took the time to educate you on how to make that hole proper. In your mind, this person is an expert in his/her field, he/she knows what he/she is talking about. So you sell yourself on buying that drill from him/her.

This is what many network marketers keep doing, they keep pitching their opportunities on their family, friends, relatives, and get all hyped up on the net, on their ads, and every one they encounter. But guess what? People do not care about your business opportunity, what they care about is a solution to their problems. In other words, you did not buy a business opportunity (drill) because you wanted one. You wanted a solution (hole) for more free time to spend with your family, be your own boss, earn a living online, or get rich, etc..
So, what you need to do instead of pitching your opportunity to your prospects, is to sell them inexpensive or give away free information that shows how to solve problems - how to drill that "hole."

If you can show them how to make that "hole", your prospects will come to the conclusion on their own without you pounding hard on them that they need a drill from you. Why? Because you gave them free knowledge or inexpensive information on how to accomplish their goal, and therefore earning their trust in you.
This is one of the main principles that will allow you to become magnetic and attract your prospects to come to you, instead of you chasing after them.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How Not To Fail In Network Marketing

by: David Pineda

My friend Mike said that, 'people fail in mlm, network marketing, internet marketing, or home business opportunities for two main reasons.

1. Most people start with a shoe string budget, but since they don't know how to effectively advertise and promote their businesses, they run out of money without having the opportunity grow and explode their business.

2. They pitch their mlm, network marketing, internet marketing, or home business opportunities to their family, friends, and co-workers. Then they run out of people to talk to, and out of money to advertise.' That's a sad scenario.

The key to not fail in mlm, network marketing, internet marketing, or home business opportunities; is to implement a franchise system with a proven marketing strategy that works. Sort of like Mc Donald's, the casinos in Las Vegas, movie theaters, and others.

For intance, do you think Mc Donald's is in the hamburger business? How about Las Vegas' casinos? They advertise, "what happens in Vegas stays in vegas." Movie theaters, Do you think they could stay in business by merely selling admission tickets?

Let me tell you why Mc Donald's can afford to sell a burger for a $1 dollar. Because it knows that when you buy that extra slice of cheese, fries, and soda, it will make a huge profit margin on them.

Las Vegas casinos lure you with their entertainment advertising, but they don't tell you that they want you to lose all your money in gambling which is where the real money is made.

The same with movie theaters, you take your family to watch a movie, and you easily spend $40 bucks in popcorn, sodas, and candies, not including the admission tickets!

Do you see what is going on here? Do you see the marketing strategy at work? If these businesses did not a have a game plan, they would go out of business or they would have a hard time staying in business.

The question that must be popping in your mind by now is, what does that have to do with my mlm, network marketing, internet marketing, or home business opportunity? It has a lot to do with it, if not all of it! The strategy is based on the ABC business model. Once you understand it and apply it to your mlm business, network marketing business,internet marketing business, or home business opportunity__viola! Your business will explode!

What is this ABC business model, and why is it vital to your, mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity? Let's just say that part A, part B, and part C, all three parts compliment each other.

Part A is the most important of the three parts, yet most people only use part B and C. Especially if you are advertising your business on a shoe string budget! Do you see now why people fail in business? Can your mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity survive on parts B and C only? Sure it can, but it will cost you a fortune in advertising, and I guarantee it!

Part A is designed to help you fund your advertising, and generate prospects for your business.

Part B is designed to put quick cash in your pocket to pay bills or to invest to further grow your business, and part C is your long-term residual income.

How does part A help you fund your advertising so you don't run out of money? Simple. Sell a low cost high volume item that is closely related to your mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity. Something easy to sell whether you are an expert or not. It could be a nutrition product, a service, or an affiliate program, but it has to be closely related to your mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity. The reason for doing that, is that it is a lot easier to sell $500 dollars in retail products than it is in building a $500 residual income, do you follow?

Just to give you a perfect example, as a network marketer, would you buy a business that is worth $1,000 to $2,000 dollars without thinking about it,or would you be more inclined to buy an inexpensive book that shows you how to be successfull with that business? If you are like me, you would buy the book and educate yourself first. A book like this would be a retail product that sells easily.

By implementing Part A which will lead to Part B and then to part C, your mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity will always be up and running, and no longer worried about running out of advertising funds.

Part B in mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunities comes in the form of fast start bonuses aka "bread and butter." As you continue to implement part A it will not only fund your advertising campaings, but also will generate endless prospects for your business. Remember, Part A has to be closely related to your main business.

Do you see now why part A is so vital for your business?

When you do your advertising, vary your advertising. Do not rely solely on one form of advertising. My wise friend Mario said, "a table can not stand on one leg, (a conventional table) and neither will your mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity be able survive on one form of advertising alone.

Apply this ABC business model in your mlm business, network marketing business, internet marketing business, or home business opportunity and you will never ever have to worry about running out of money,or failing in this industry again.

Home Business Opportunities Abound on The Internet

by: Darrell Knox

Looking for a home business opportunity on the internet these days is a pretty involved process. That is, if you don’t know how to eliminate 90% of the junk that’s out there and pick among the home business opportunities that actually have merit and track records.
What works?
Information sales, auctions, hard goods that can be shipped, books, reports, network marketing, you name it!

There are just certain types of home business opportunities that you want to stay away from. Those are things where someone you don’t know from Adam is making guarantees that are way too good to be true. Anyone who makes it sound like money is dripping from the internet for you to simply catch in a bucket is a liar and a thief.

You will never have success with home business opportunities that promise you that you will never have to work, or make things sound too easy. Take it from a professional, working online or offline with a home business opportunity is work.
But home business opportunities have perks that are better than any job you could ever imagine.

You work for yourself and answer to no one but your customers You can make as much or as little as you want You can work as much or as little as you want You can take time off whenever you want You can make your schedule totally flexible You can work on the internet and work from anywhere in the world You can save money on clothes you had to buy for jobs You can save money on gas, car maintenance and insurance You can get great tax breaks owning your own business Travel and other expenses can be tax deductible

The list of great things I can think of about a home business goes on and on. Here are some of the things that can be a drain on you with a home business opportunity:

You can’t leave your business at certain critical times of growth Your family will sometimes become a distraction when you are working at home Your bed is in the same place as your work There’s no boss to keep you honest about your hours There’s no boss to keep you on your focus to complete critical tasks No one will do the work for you Customers can be a pain sometimes The money in the beginning can come in sporadically (people who cannot handle any kind of financial stress should definitely keep their jobs until their home business opportunity starts paying the bills regularly).

No pain no gain. No risk, no profit. No investment, no return. A home business opportunity is like any other business. Don’t let anyone tell you differently!
But for those of us that thrive on making our own way in the world, who love that there is no limit to what we can make, and no one but our spouses to tell us what to do, there is nothing under the sun better than a home business!


by: Judy Thompson

This could be a wise decision since there are countless advantages to having your own home-based business. Or it could be an unwise decision for you if you get caught up in one or more of the many, many scams out there. Before picking a business that seems right for you, you should at least know some basics.

Select a business according to your own special interests, abilities, time and finances.
As you pursue that dream of being your own boss, working from home, having more time and money, undoubtedly you will run across numerous MLM opportunities.

MLM, or multi-level marketing, also referred to as network marketing, offers the wonderful benefit of allowing you to develop a substantial residual income. Your income is based, not just on your own efforts, but also on the efforts of others. MLM is a “people helping people” business. The more you are able to help others succeed, the more successful you will be, too.

However, you will want to understand some basics about the company, its products, and its compensation plan, before you join.
With so many new people entering the world of wanting to work from home, it is not at all unusual for me to hear them ask, “How do I get paid?”

So … be sure you know this important fact: a true, legitimate MLM company will pay you commissions only on the sale of its products or services!

You do not need to do all the selling by yourself. In fact, if you choose, you can simply be a user of your company’s products. But you will need to enlist other people into your organization (your downline) who will also use or sell the products. The company will then pay you a certain percentage from the sales of all products in your downline. If you have only a few people in your downline, most likely your commission check will be very small. But, if you have some workers in your group, your own efforts can be multiplied many times over, helping you to build a large downline. Then you could be looking at some very lucrative commission checks.

There are several types of compensation plans used by MLM companies to pay commissions. It is not the scope of this article to go into detail on these compensation plans. But one point I would like to make is this: some MLM compensation plans require high sales quotas, making it necessary for you to be a good sales person in order to do well.

Other plans may use a type of matrix, which requires a much lower volume in order to be paid commissions. In my opinion, matrix plans are better suited for most people, who may not be great at retailing products.

Make no mistake about it, though, a home-based business, whether MLM or not, requires work and financial investment. In addition, it requires a great deal of self-discipline.

The great news, however, is with all the automation provided by the internet, developing a good quality, good paying home-based business is more realistic today than ever before!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Handling The Objection: What does it cost?

by: Glen Snethun

Have you ever presented an idea to someone and the first question they ask is, "What does it cost?" If so, that is your first clue that your prospect has a poverty mindset. Why do I say that?

We attract into our lives what we focus on the most. Think about it for a moment. How can we honestly ask that question when we know nothing about the product or opportunity?

It's like a friend telling me that they know of a house for sale that I might be interested in. If the first question I ask is, "How much does it cost?" then I really haven't understood anything about the defining aspects of the house.

If my friend says answers with "$300,000" —that does not serve me well! At the time, I may respond, "I'm not interested." But what if it turns out that this house just recently sold for $500,000 and I could have had the chance at purchasing it for $300,000? I would have lost $200,000 simply by having a poverty mindset.

If one of the first questions from your prospect is: “How much does it cost?”, tell them to use all the information (that you will provide) to investigate the entire product or service before asking about price. How can they truly put a value on something they know nothing about and have never seen?

If they’re still not convinced, tell them to picture the richest person they know in a car dealership parking lot checking out Jaguars. Does he go to each car and immediately say, "What does this cost?" No! They check out the features of the vehicle and then decide if the value is worth the money.

The same principles apply to your own life as well. Don’t be so quick to toss opportunity aside. Not everything presented to you may appear to have value. But how can you confirm that without first doing your due diligence? I discovered this secret and have since attracted significantly more opportunity and prosperity into my own life.

You owe it to yourself to adopt a prosperity mindset. If you truly believe in your product or opportunity, you will attract those with the same mindset. Without a prosperity mindset, your career in sales or network marketing could be very short.

So the next time a prospect’s first question is, “What does it cost?”—recognize the prosperity mindset. If they refuse to check out your product’s/service features—like you’d turn a fish back to the water—let ‘em go!

Groups Lend Capability to Make Money on the Internet

by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.

William Shakespeare once wrote; "The world is a stage on which everyone is a player" ... and in Network Marketing, each player must play his/her part.

To make money on the internet, working from home, you need to find the players that play their parts.
Making money online is much easier when everyone is part of the performance...

Groups play a large part in forming such an association. A Yahoo group is easy to form and allows communication to flow freely amongst the members. Keeping everyone informed of latest developments and ideas, is easily done through groups.

To truely realise the "make money at home" principle, you have to communicate and allow people to interact with each other. Team players are known to be more likely to make money online, than their individual opposites. Many minds are greater than one.

Groups are a think tank of ideas that can transform an individuals personal performance by injecting new ideas and methods into their flagging marketing strategies. To make money online, you sometimes need the sort of push that a Group can give you.

While some groups live a short life, many have been around for over 6 years or more and still give that sort of unconditional support that a new person needs, to make money on the internet. Failure rates are lower when a group is active and being led by motivational methods. The Group structure produces loyalty and belief to many people.

Anyone who is serious about learning how to make money online, should ask if there is a support group available within the business and then check it out, to see how active the group is, by looking at the mailing figures. Most groups record the number of posts made in any particular month. 78 or more would indicate some moderate activity.

Belonging to a number of groups is also a great way of relationship marketing. Joining groups that are aligned to your own personal interests, often foster a great number of business associates. Those are the sort people who are most likely to play their part.

Always remember that to make money on the internet, you have to socialise and be online on a consistent basis. Plugging people into an online group will also help you in your quest to make money online.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I Make Money Online. You Can Too

by: Tom Worsley

When I purchased my first computer over 10 years ago, I knew I wanted to put it to work and make money with it some how. But I knew nothing about computers or the Internet. I knew nothing about network marketing, search engine marketing, or even how to create my own web site. I knew nothing about e-mail marketing e-mail leads or how to set up an e-mail list.

I began searching the Internet for ideas. I quickly learned that you could join several affiliate programs and they would supply you with a free affiliate web page. Unfortunately getting good quality traffic to these affiliate web pages was somewhat of a challenge. And the Major search engines wouldn’t even list my new affiliate web pages. So once again I was left searching the Internet for ideas.

I kept reading over and over again to get your own domain name and create your own web site. Then incorporate all your affiliate links into your new web site. Create a theme and join affiliate programs related to that theme. But I knew nothing about creating a web site. And what the heck is HTML?

I began creating web pages on Microsoft publisher. These were very simple pages and now when I look back at them I have to laugh. They were anything but professional and publisher actually made many errors in the HTML code. But this was all just part of the learning curve. You have to learn to walk before you run.

Eventually I started writing my own HTML using Microsoft word and saving it as a simple HTML text file. To this day all my web page’s are created using word.

Since starting my online business I have probably joined 100s of affiliate program opportunities, re-modeled my web page over 50 times and spend more than 4 hours a day reading and learning how to further promote my sites to make more money. All this was done on my own with little to no training from others.

When I started I knew nothing and now my business is getting between 5-10 commission checks in the mail every month generated from sales or leads coming from my 6 web sites.

I get people that say to me all the time. I cannot do that on my own. Well if I can do it you can too. It just takes a little patients and the will to learn. If you want to make money online you need to act. You need to search for information and read all about how to create your own web site. Then you need to search for information on how to promote, advertise, and most of all how to get good search engine rankings.

Identifying Some Common Work At Home Success Characteristics

by: Kirk Bannerman

Do people that are successful in home based businesses share
some common characteristics and, if so, what are the primary
The dictionary defines successful as:

*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence

When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to

I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.

Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.

After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.

Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.

Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:

*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It takes
a lot of time to become an "overnight success"

*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull

*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business

Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess them

Team Leadership: Just Remember To Pull Them, Don't Push Them

by: Kirk Bannerman

I am often contacted by members of my business team with
complaints regarding a lack of response or lack of action on the
part of their affiliates. Their complaints typically go
something like..."I send out lots of emails to all of them and I
very rarely get any response and it seems like very few of them
are taking any action. What am I doing wrong?".

There are many types of internet-based home businesses where
feedback and interaction are quite important and getting an
affiliate or business team member to communicate with you is a
definite objective. It's not at all surprising that this can be
a challenge when you stop to think that what you are trying to do
is initiate a dialog between two complete strangers who have
never even seen each other.

In the case of network marketing, it is of critical importance to
build a sense of trust with your team members. Network marketing
is very definitely a relationship business and each relationship
typically starts out with two complete strangers sitting at their
respective keyboards.

The team building aspect of network marketing is of vital
importance to the success of each individual member and to the
team as a whole. Two key elements of team building are trust and
confidence and these factors play a very large role, particularly
for new team members.

With all that being said, many people love the IDEA of making good
money working at home in their own business and expect it to just
"happen", but have no willingness to take any action or put forth
any effort to make it happen.

Having been involved with team building and network marketing for
some time, I have come to adopt the following as my operating
credo..."if you have the desire and are willing to put in the
effort, I'll pull you along so you can go faster down the road to
success, but if you don't want move on your own, I'm not
going to waste my time trying to push you forward".

Its like working with a length of chain...pulling it along works
fine, but trying it push it forward only results in a pile of

You need to be able to distinguish between people that have a
legitimate interest in developing a home based business and
those lost souls that feel that they have just joined another
chat group and only want to engage in an endless "debate" about
the virtues of whatever business you are promoting, but never
actually had any intention of establishing a will
have to develop your own method of reading people like this (its
mainly a sense of feel...sort of a belly button thing).

You can help someone reach for success...but you can't
reasonably expect to make them want to be successful. Its just
another variation of that very old and tired cliche...that "you
can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".

Another way of looking at it is if you are trying to move people
forward, you pull them from in front (a leadership position), but
if you have to push them it will be from behind (not a position
of leadership).

Get your priorites right!

by: Panos Dionysopoulos

I have been with this marketing business for a few months now, and before that I was reading motivational books and listening to tapes and talking to people and inhaling all this knowledge like oxygen. During this time I started a habit of setting goals for myself; goals like buying a house in 12 months time, being financially free in ten years time, I'm sure you all know the sort of goals I'm talking about.

In the back of my mind during all this time was the goal to let my Dad know how much I appreciated him. I had moved out many years beforehand, he hadn't really wanted me to, and we were barely on speaking terms. I still went and visited him and my mum every now and then but not often becasue invariably we would end up in an argument abuot nothing. I know, however, that he cared about me and that his temper was thin partly because he was annoyed at all the drugs he had to take for his cardiomiopathy (and of course, the trips to the hospital as well).

He was always willing to help me out, when I went through a bad patch with my credit debt he loaned me the money to pay it out, saying that I shouldn't have to stress about the interest. He always gave me good advice and he always made sure I knew that he cared about me.

I never got the chance to let him know how much I appreciated this as he passed away a few weeks ago.
What this has done is really driven into me the need to be really selective in what I am doing. To make sure that I am happy with what I am doing, and to make sure that I am making other people happy with what I am doing.

Most importantly, I am now going to make sure I let people know how much I appreciate their help and their support with whatever I do. In the long run I think it will serve me well, and I think it will for you too. Just remember, you may not always have the chance to do the things you keep putting off, especially when it comes to personal relations. Happiness is the name of the game, and it should be your top priority. Your happiness, and the happiness of those around you.