Friday, December 5, 2008

People DO NOT Buy From Websites......

by: Mal Keenan

Of course the title of this article IS NOT complete as $1,000,000s in sales are made every day by online entrepreneurs. What it should have read to be more accurate was "People DO NOT buy from websites....they buy from other people".

It is a common misconception that you can set up a sales page online and that the rest will fall into place. The sales will roll in and if you create the perfect website and send some targeted visitors consistently then you will be rich. This idea was very far from the whole truth.

Of course if you do create a top selling website and send the right type of visitors you will make sales but to be a REAL success you need to do a lot more than that. Or should I say BE a lot more than that.

Selling is more about selling yourself than it is about selling a product.

I struggled online for years and was completely unaware of the reasons why I had not become a resounding success. This was especially true in my network marketing ventures. I would add 100s of new members yet would watch as my organisation crumbled, or more often than not, never even get off the ground.

The problem was that to the people in my downlines I was a name and a number, they didn't know anything about ME and until this was the case, nothing happened. I made very few sales and even less members of my team joined in the recruiting efforts.

It wasn't until I started to make myself known online that sales really started to take off. My online revenue continues to grow as I continue to do this.

A few things come to mind that can help build trust with your downline and online prospects in general:

1.Post a picture of yourself on your website.

2.Use your full name on your website.

3.When posting in online forums use your full name as your nickname rather than an obscure username.

4.Send regular emails to your downline and get personal, tell them a little bit about yourself. No need to go into details about your last counselling session. Be general.:-)

5. Answer ALL emails from your team and visitors to your site, even the ones that you know won't result in a sale. It lets them know you are a REAL person and may result in future sales.

6. Consider building a team website or forum to further your web presence and brand your name.

These are just a few of the tactics you can use to ensure that those who do visit or join your team will find it a lot more comfortable in buying from you and getting involved in the business. I'm sure there are many more. Can you think of any?

If you aren't already building trust with your prospects then you ARE losing out in a big per centage of sales. The sale per visitor ratio on my sites has risen dramatically since I employed the above strategies and I'm sure they will do with yours also.

Try them immediately and find out.

I wish you continued success.

Network Marketing Success Starts With You!

by: Mike Law

There are many different techniques that successful network marketers have used, and it is tempting to look at another system, think that's far easier, and try to change what you are already doing. A big mistake! Find a system that works and don't let yourself be distracted. When your income is secure then perhaps you can experiment, but even then it could slow your progress.

Success for a network marketer starts in the mind. More than any other business you need to have a positive attitude. Remember this key point if nothing else. Believe that you will build a business and you are on your way. If you have doubts they will slowly sabotage your success, and this can be amplified if the only people you associate with don't understand what you are doing.

This is the reason that traditional networking companies have opportunity meetings and sizzle sessions. So that you associate with like minded individuals who are positive and goal-oriented, and so that their knowledge and belief rubs off on you. If your company is internet based you will find that they have conference calls, forums and chatrooms to keep people motivated and focussed.

Information about your product and recommended promotional techniques can be discussed, but the most important benefit of these real life, or virtual, meetings is that they help to keep your attitude about your life and business positive.

A good network marketing company will supply you with a list of recommended books. Some even go so far as to say, "I will not work with you unless you read X, Y, and Z". A good diet of positive and motivational books will build your belief in yourself and your business, and can serve as an alternative or an add-on to your meetings.

Your own mind is the biggest barrier to success in network marketing, and the influence you allow others to have over it. The development of a great communication system with people in your upline and your team is the key to any networking system. You can distribute flyers, business cards and put up notices, but if you don't connect with other people in your business, and maintain a positive attitude your networking business will stagnate.

But if you work hard at improving your attitude, and use the above tools to dispel any doubts you may have you will find that your network marketing business will grow by leaps and bounds. As they say, "it's all in the mind"!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Network Marketing: Selling the Dream ?

by: Fernando Rivadeneyra

Are you tired of struggling to make ends meet? Unexcited about driving in rush hour traffic? Burned out at work making your BOSS’S dream come true? You have a choice in life but most people choose to live in constant fear. They are scared to death of failure or success. They feel small. They don’t feel they are good enough or important enough to make a difference. There is a secret to success. All it takes is a dream.

When was the last time you dared to dream? Have your hopes and aspirations been squelched by life and no longer express your dreams to others? Are you no longer asked about our dreams because you are expected to have accomplished and attained them by now? For the vast majority of the population the dream has been replaced by a nightmare. We all continue to seek happiness, security, independence, and riches beyond compare. Many have managed to achieve these things in their life through network marketing.

Network marketing maybe the answer needed to revive your dream machine. However, not everyone is suited for network marketing. But if you have moderate people skills and are a big thinker, network marketing could be right for you. In this the first of four parts, you will find out what a prominent author says about network marketing and why he believes network marketing is the ideal vehicle to wealth and prosperity.

For someone exploring a network marketing opportunity for the first time, the book written by Robert Kiyosaki entitled, “The Business School for People Who Like Helping People” is a book to have. Robert Kiyosaki reviews several ways that one may become rich. However, the path offered by his Rich Dad may be the most realistic and also holds the greatest profit potential. Rich Dad's path to success is simple just build a business.

Robert Kiyosaki prefers network-marketing businesses because there exists very few barriers to entry. Some of the richest people in the world come from the business quadrant. There is a bad connotation of network marketing and it is because most people don’t understand the purpose of networking. The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else looks for work.

Network marketing scares some people. It scares your bosses who want to continue to maintain control over you. It scares people in the investment business that hope you will never read any of Robert Kiyosaki's books and listen to their advice (while they participate in illegal investing techniques with your money). "In network marketing" Kiyosaki says, "they want you to get better. In the workplace, they don't want you to get better. It's a rat race."

The title of this book tells it all -- network marketing is not a "get rich quick" vehicle. Rather, it is a business school where the ultimate goal is personal growth. Robert Kiyosaki presents eleven "hidden values" of a network marketing business. This is the ideal tool to help you look beyond the hype, see the network marketing opportunity for what it really is, and set realistic expectations for your personal success. This book gives a solid, realistic foundation from which you can chart your course.

Robert Kiyosaki also says that network marketing is the perfect B-Business for some people but not everybody. It's all based on values. Some people are weak and need the security of a paycheck. Others, who want freedom and are willing to develop themselves, will find network marketing the Perfect B-Business for them.

Some sophisticated business people like to take cheap shots at network marketing and say it's not really a business. But how would a MBA know what a real business is when all they are is an employee---the E Quadrant. Network marketing puts you on the B-Quadrant only without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, having to buy or rent a building, or pay employees. In real estate you use leverage in the form of other peoples money. In network marketing, you use leverage in the form of other people’s contacts, other people’s energy.

There are tax benefits to owning your own network marketing business. As an employee you are paying the absolute maximum in taxes. This is money you can be using to improve your lifestyle, invest in your network marketing company, in real estate or set aside for retirement. And of course, this is the information age. Never has it been easier to reach more people via network marketing than it is right now. (Please contact your tax consultant for specific deductions)

The future is looking very bright for network marketing. Why? There are already several economic trends in place that will drive more and more people to participate in network marketing in the very near future. For one, people are looking for alternatives to the job market. Many people are tired of the long commute, 9-5 routine and the myth of "job security." They want freedom and network marketing can give that to them.

People are tired of being pushed around by unappreciative employers. Tired of being dedicated to the company hoping for a long tenure only to be downsized. People are also tired of the schemes and scams by brokers, brokerages and mutual fund companies. The average individual does not have or does not want to risk the large capital required for a conventional business.

A dream is not a job. A job can be very tiring and not very rewarding. For some it is working in corporate America for 29 years and on the day you only have 30 days left to retire you are laid off. For others it is working at two fast food restaurants for 80 hours a week and earning minimum wage. Your story may be different but if you have a job you are not working for your dream. You are working to create the dream of your employer become a reality not yours.

Network marketing may very well be the last great opportunity to achieve the American Dream. As Robert points out in his book, networking isn't for everyone, but it is a great way to create a passive walk away income that will give you freedoms and options in other investments. That's probably the number one point he makes. You don't need to become a networking guru, but, you can create a secondary income of $1000, $3000, or even $10,000 a month and use that to live your dreams.

Yes the future does look very bright for network marketing. No doubt network marketing is the wave of the future. Networking is a brilliant idea. In network marketing the average guy without much money can keep their day jobs and start their network marketing business part time. No major capital investment and unlimited income opportunity without risk. You’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself.

Network Marketing Online Saves Time

by: Lana Hampton

Network marketing online is a great way to do business from home, at your own time and pace. Moreover, the vast resources of the Internet are at your fingertips. You no longer have to start out locally, building gradually over several years to a significant market presence. Most successful network marketing online companies have spurts of meteoric growth.

The core job of a company and its distributors is to motivate, educate, and support their consumers and downline. The Internet allows distributors to accomplish their responsibilities on a level never before imagined. Technology, by allowing distributors to accomplish more in less time and to communicate more effectively to more people, is essential to new network marketing companies. In other words, network marketing online is the new age business!!

If you are like most people, you have always wanted to chuck the day job that keeps you chained to your desk, earn a large income, lead the life you always wanted, work conveniently from home, and give time to your family and kids. Right? Well then, network marketing online is the perfect thing for you.

It's indeed possible, as all those websites screaming out in large headlines will tell you, to get seriously rich in a short span of time, doing network marketing online. But please remember that you need to put in loads of hard work and devotion. There is, as always, no free lunch. There is one company that signed up over a million distributors in less than three years! Such rapid growth creates enormous challenges for the company, true, but it also creates enormous opportunities. This is what you need to keep in mind when considering network marketing online.

Now that a distributor no longer has to devote so much of his or her time to a single sale, the money a company spends on paying its distributors has gradually shifted from sales commissions to downline commissions. That is what makes it possible for you to earn more in a shorter span of time.

If you would like to earn a comfortable income from your home office, working only a few hours a day, then network marketing online can be your roadmap to success. More and more companies are offering products and services that the average person uses. All you have to do is build a global network of results-oriented partners and sit back and relax.

In network marketing online, the work you do today reaps rich rewards for years to come. However, you need to be careful in choosing the particular network marketing online program that you sign up for.

* You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your ezine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is including the following footer with it...

Network Marketing on Auto-Pilot

by: Al Walker

Are you frustrated with your network marketing business?
Imagine for a moment that you worked in the hi-tech world and you knew everything about the internet, you knew all about computers and internet-marketing and you walked away from that to join a Network Marketing Company? Then you think to yourself, wait a second…what if we could marry that hi-tech with the hi-touch of Network Marketing and I'd never have to do any of those things that I used to do in the hi-tech world. I don't want to go to meetings anymore. I don't want to wear a tie. I don't want to hear an alarm clock. I want to sit at home in my shorts and t-shirt on my time, on my dime and do it the way I want to do it and that's online.

Imagine that you had never gone to a single hotel meeting or given a face to face presentation. Yet you'd built a team in 13 different countries and became the number one sponsor for the last 2 years running in an organization of over 100,000 people in all of the United States.

It's called Technology Empowered Network Marketing and last month I had the privilege of hearing the man who did this speak to a select group of captivated marketers. They had come from all over the world to hear how he'd built a million dollar business completely online, with online tools, the internet and the telephone.

The following is a unique and revealing interview with him about Internetwork-marketing. His name and company are not mentioned here because it's not important. These techniques can be adapted by anyone, for any online product.

Me: Thanks for meeting with me today. Do you mind if I record this?

Him: Not at all

Me: You talked about sorting. You called it separating the serious from the curious. Can you elaborate on that?

Him: Spending the right amount of time with the right people and the least amount as possible with the people that aren't serious is very important. You have to go through a ton of rubble to find an ounce of gold. So why not let your system do all of this sorting for you so you have more time to spend on more important things?

When your system does the sorting 80% of the work is already done for you. A powerful system will welcome the visitor, find out what they are looking for and take them through the basics of having a homebased business. It will also educate them about the industry, invite them to an online webcast presentation and show the visitor how to make money as fast as possible. My system actually notifies me when each of these important steps has been completed.

The right system can enroll a new business partner, train and introduce them to a system they can use themselves.

Me: So they get to see how well it works even before they join you?

Him: Exactly. People join systems. They look for systems they can see themselves doing. Systems that will bring them success and make them money.

Me: In your talk you mentioned how important it is to find the right company and the right team. How did you know you had the RIGHT TEAM?

Him: Well, before I left my job in Corporate America I was tired and very burned out. It wasn't just the work, it was the stressful lifestyle as well. I did my due diligence and found a publicly traded company that made sense and was a good fit for me. I then called the company and asked for their best rep in my area.

After getting all the information online in a timely manner, I contacted the representative from the number on his site and asked him what the next step to get started was. He asked me if I'd like to go to a presentation with more details about the business and I said: "Sure where do we have to meet?" He answered, How about right at your desk? It takes about 45 minutes.
I was still thinking that he was going to come over to my house when he said: "No, you can watch it on a "live" web-cast right on your computer. What's better for you 6pm or tomorrow at noon?"

He clarified that he did everything online and that I could do the same. This made a lot of sense to me and was my introduction to the best way I have found to build a Network Marketing business.

Now, the only time I actually meet my business partners is at the company's annual convention. They come up to shake my hand only because they recognize my voice from our occasional telephone conversations.

Me: That's incredible! You're shaking hands on the Internet.

Him: Yep! In 5 weeks I made my money back. In 4 months I went full-time and in less than 9 months I was up to six figures. After that I streamlined my system, shared it with my team and made them all wealthy as well!

Me: Would you still have been interested if he'd done things the traditional way, like taking you to a hotel meeting?

Him: Maybe, but I don't think so. There's nothing wrong with traditional Network Marketing, it just isn't for me. I have some stereotype hang-ups like most people. I don't like to talk face to face, I'm shy and I hate getting dressed up. Believe me, there's a lot of people like me out there.

I never have to approach my friends and family and I don't have to dress, walk or talk any certain way. Working online removes all the nonsense. Like, gender, race, age, weight, dress. It also eliminates the driving, meetings, hard work and getting ready…is my tie on straight? (laughing)

Me: Most companies out there already have internet tools like websites, flash presentations and voicemail. Can you tell us more about your system? Why does it work so well?

Him: Well, I figured out a system that puts hundreds of fresh business-builders into my business each year and it's simple so that anyone can learn it. It's a 4 step process:

1. Attend an online Webcast
2. Get Started
3. Train
4. Invite others to the Webcast

Then we track from the backend to see where people are in the system.
They usually contact us. It's that simple.

Me: People actually call you to get started?

Him: All the time but understand that not everyone wants to get involved and that's fine. Somebody has to wash the cars and work at McDonald's (laughing) There's never a wrong prospect-Just the wrong time for a prospect.

Me: Anything else?

Him: Something we have built into our system is what we call a third-party presence. Our system recommends it's owner as a lifestyle coach. This recommendation is made by a well-known success expert so the visitor can feel confident and assured that all the information will be presented honestly and in full.

When a well-known author or businessperson is presented as your partner and shares some highly-educational and motivating advice BEFORE introducing you to the new visitor. Everything gets off on the right track from the beginning.

If we take the focus off ourselves, people can listen clearly (without hype) to what's being said and make an educated decision for themselves. Your system should definitely help this happen.

Me: Where do you think people are going wrong with their network marketing online?

Well here's a few things to keep in mind:

1. Don't send people to your company's all-in-one website. It's like going to the new Spielberg movie and knowing that there are 20 scenes going to be shown and you can pick which order to see them in. Would the movie make any sense to you? I doubt it. That's what's happening out there.

2. Beware of companies that just want to sell you leads. There's nothing more frustrating than calling people who were hoping to win an X-box.

3. Don't inundate people with 17 emails in one week and 27 different websites. Present your company in a simple way with internet media.

4. Don't use the same approach and information for everyone. Find out what the person is looking for. Is it: Time Freedom, Wealth, Health, Fire their Boss? Once you know you can get them the information that pertains to their personal concern. Someone that wants to quit their job right away is not going to be interested in a new skincare line.

5. Use a courtesy call technique when you call someone. When the car service center gives a courtesy call to remind you that it's time to have your oil changed, you don't take offence do you? In fact, you're probably glad to hear from them. They're just doing you a favor and being helpful. That's how your return phone calls should be made.

6. Lead with the business and not the products. The fastest way to the big money is to find more people like yourself that want to do the business. Stop chasing the ambulance and concentrate on the Brinks truck.

Me: You were the Number One Sponsor of your company out of 100,000 associates in North America. How's does that feel?

Him: It feels great! This online system allows me to travel with my family whenever I want. Last month I took my family to Hawaii and while the kids were having a nap I just jumped on my laptop and saw that a fellow had been through our system and wanted me to call him. I stood out on the balcony overlooking the beach and when he answered I said this was just a courtesy call to get back with him. My autoresponder had shown me that he had been reviewing my information. How do you like our system, I asked him. Do you think that's something you could do? He answered yes but the best part is when I told him where I am (laughing) and that I'm looking at a beautiful beach with my wife and kids napping at 2 o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon. There's nothing better than living the lifestyle and showing others that it is possible. It's very rewarding!

Me: What about attrition and people quitting?

Him: There's always going to be people who don't follow through but our company did a study on my internet team and our attrition was very, very low. In fact, we retained over 87% of all our new people which astounded everyone. People like this system because this system likes people.

Me: Thanks so much sharing this amazing information with us. Any last words of wisdom?

Him: Marketing is defined as "creating an interest and then filling it." The secret to putting a Network Marketing business on autopilot is to actually use the technology curve to show your new visitor how easy things are done online.

Your next step? To take what you've just learned and put your new business on auto-pilot right away!

Network Marketing Is Definitely A Relationship Business

by: Kirk Bannerman

Heavily branded websites like are household names and
carry an implied trust with visitors. However, the vast majority
of websites are not well known and are found and visited as a
result of search engine searches. In these instances, the
visitor is probably arriving at the website for the first time
and human nature often dictates fear or suspicion of the unknown.

If someone is shopping around for the best price for a particular
item, say a Cuisinart food processor, they would probably go to a
site such as Ask Jeeves (at using the Smart Search for
Products feature) and quickly obtain a list of sources and prices
for the desired item. The "yes/no" purchase decision has already
been made and it is simply a question of who to buy it from.

In the case of network marketing, it is of critical importance to
build a sense of trust with your team members. Network marketing
is very definitely a relationship business and each relationship
typically starts out with two complete strangers sitting at their
respective keyboards.

The team building aspect of network marketing is of vital
importance to the success of each individual member and to the
team as a whole. Two key elements of team building are trust and
confidence and these factors play a very large role, particularly
for new team members.

As a team leader, you need to be knowledgeable about the business
(products, services, or whatever) and straightforward with
answers to questions about the business as well as providing
timely and thorough support to your team members. These actions
will cement the relationship and build trust and confidence among
your team members.

Network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence,
and patience are three key elements which are critical to
achieving successful results.

PROMOTION is the lifeblood of network marketing. Whether you
are using online methods or offline methods, or a combination of
both, you must constantly strive to get your offering in front of
a targeted audience.

There are thousands of published sources that deal with specific
methods of network marketing (both online and offline), but the
key point to be made here is that you must have an active
promotion campaign designed to bring in a steady stream of new
prospective downline members.

PERSISTENCE is a key element in network marketing success.
You've gotta "just keep on keepin' on", even though frustation
levels can be quite high at times.

After you have been at it a while, and have a downline large
enough to provide reasonably accurate statistics, you will
probably find that about 95% of your downline members are dormant
and do nothing at all. Its easy to get down in the dumps or take
it personally when you encounter so many "do nothing" people.

Therefore, it is really important work with and actively support
the 5% or so that are serious about participating. And clearly,
an active and effective promotion campaign will continue to
bring in increasing numbers of potential participants so that
while 5% is small on a percentage basis, it can still be a
sizeable amount from a pure numbers standpoint.

PATIENCE is vital. You can expect that it will take about a year
before the awsome power of geometric growth kicks in.
A classic illustration of geometric growth is the frequently used
penny-a-day example.

If you save one penny on the first day, and double it every
successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have
4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have at the end of
30 days? The answer, to the astonishment of many, is $5,368,708!
Amazing, but true.

Its a sad statistic that most network marketers fail and it is
often traceable to the fact that they did not exhibit enough
persistence and patience to continue constantly promoting their
business for the year or so that is required for success.

Network marketers that stick with it for a year or more often end
up becoming the proverbial "heavy hitters".

In closing, I would like to encourage you to increase your chances
of becoming a successful network marketer by always keeping a
clear focus on "the three P's" of Promotion, Persistence, and

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Network Marketing Internet Business Basics

by: Lana Hampton

A network marketing Internet business is what millions of ordinary people are making extraordinary money from. You can too, but only if you put your mind to it. Come to think of it, a network marketing Internet business is no different from any other online business. The fundamentals are the same. What changes are the parameters. So what’s keeping you from running your own successful network marketing Internet business? Nothing! Just find a legit core opportunity and get going.

Going by definitions, a network marketing Internet business program, also known as "network" or "matrix" marketing, is a way of selling goods or services online through distributors. These programs typically promise that if you sign up as a distributor, you will receive commissions “ for both your sales of the program’s goods or services and those of other people you recruit to join the distributors. Network marketing Internet business programs usually promise to pay commissions through two or more levels of recruits, known as the distributor's "downline."

Technology is rapidly changing the corporate world today, and network marketing businesses are no exception. Many network marketing Internet business companies make use of their web presence to enhance and accelerate the growth potential of their distributors.

Overwhelmed by the details of your new network marketing Internet business? Still struggling with them? Today there are so many companies, so many products, so much information and so many opportunities, it’s easy to get lost in the maze. Don’t panic. Just take them step by step.

The first, and most important thing, is picking the right company with the right product and the right system that suits your personal style, interest and skills. Take the time to understand and manage your sales tools, marketing systems and compensation plans. The next step is getting ready for all the hard work and sheer perseverence. Accept that you are not going to get rich overnight. No one does. Growing your network marketing Internet business knowledge and earning that subsequent success is a lifelong process.

Choose a product that you feel good about, and select one or two methods from your sales training manual. Utilize the power of the Internet. You can build distributor networks on a national or even a global level right from your home computer. Now isn't that quite something?

Make it a point to keep the plan as simple as possible but no simpler. In other words, don't be unprepared, but don't also do too much. Just keep on working consistently and stay committed to your goal. Take it one step at a time and you'll get there.

Network Marketing for Easy Money!

by: Craig Ritsema

Ok, I know what you’re thinking, another marketing guru selling a way to make quick money. Well, sorry, that’s not the kind of easy money I’m referring to.

Network Marketing has been around for a while. Most of us know someone who has a friend or relative who became involved in off-line network marketing. We listened to their sales pitch with our mind already set on how we were going to say no and the best way to get out of the meeting as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Through out the sales pitch we thought to ourselves, what would drive someone to put this much effort into selling these products? Why would they spend all this time promoting their product to their friends and relatives? Would we ever be able to meet them again and look them in the face wondering if they were going to start into their sales pitch?

All in all, this kind of network marketing seemed rather painful to someone from the outside. Not only was it time consuming, but you needed to be a person with the ability to sell. Most people involved this way did not start out as professional sales people, but they knew they would need to learn these skills in order to succeed.

What our friends understood about network marketing is that the first customers are the hardest. Once these customers started recruiting their own customers things started getting easier. Over time, their income would grow faster. They were sold on the product they were selling and definitely the concept of network marketing. They were persistent and determined not to quit!

I could not help but think – could they really be on to something? It seemed impossible, but what if it worked? Our friends did eventually become successful. But I believe it was only because they were determined to make it work. Giving up was not an option for them.

Times have changed and off-line network marketing has turned into on-line network marketing. The concept remains the same:

- Sell someone else’s products and make a commission on each product.

- Sell the opportunity to others so they do the same, while making a commission on their sales as well.

The second sale is what makes network marketing most rewarding and leads to “RESIDUAL INCOME”. This kind of income keeps coming without you yourself having to do the work.

Today, online network marketing has greatly simplified selling other companies’ products. Not only do they generally do the selling for you, but THE WORLD IS NOW YOUR PROSPECT!

To become a network marketer all you need is a computer, internet connection and a good product with opportunity that can be sold. POINT AND CLICK IS THE METHOD OF SALES TODAY! Good companies offering affiliate programs for network marketing also provide many ways to learn the ropes and how to sell their products. Anyone can learn how to do it!

If online marketing is so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it? It takes time and persistence. This is the hardest part. Our friends understood this and they were determined to succeed and persevere.

Is online network marketing easy? Yes. Does online network marketing take time and effort? Absolutely. Persistence and determination are the key skills needed for today’s environment. The actual work is easy.
Do you want to make money? Are you determined and willing to persevere? Then set your mind on success and grab your network marketing gold!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Network Marketing Success Secret - Own The Product

by: Sanjay Johari

Did I hear you say that these are not your products? These
are somebody else's?
Well, well, they say that there is a thin line dividing
success and failure.
And they also say that it's all in the mindset.

I strongly believe in these statements. Together they mean
that a subtle change in the thinking pattern can transform
failure into success.

Affiliate marketing or MLM network marketing has provided
earning opportunity to scores of people. By all indications
this form of market promotion is here to stay for a long

When an affiliate tries to sell a product for some one else,
why would or why should people believe him? What will
project him as a person whom people can trust?

Many of the affiliate programs give their affiliates web pages with affiliate links. These can be pages for sales, memberships, or simply for information. An affiliate can display these pages by various means. He remains in the background and hopes that these pre-made web pages will attract people to take a desirable action.

While this approach works in many cases, much better options are available in MLM network marketing or affiliate

What I am discussing further is for those who have decided to stay in network or affiliate marketing business for longer term and who wish to make a difference by their own efforts.

How can an affiliate influence decisions of his prospective customers? By coming out of the background and offering his opinions, reviews or recommendations. He has various means of reaching out to the interested people – articles, own website, press release, advertisements, mailing to opt-in list - to name just a few.

When the affiliate offers his views or recommendations to others and expects them to act on his call-to-action, it is imperative that he really knows about the product or service he is trying to promote. Just knowing about the product is not sufficient, he should be able to present his case with conviction, feeling and passion.

This is where “owning” the product comes in. If the affiliate doesn’t like the product, he shouldn’t be selling it in the first place. However, if he has decided to promote and sell the product, he needs to know the product so well that he develops a feeling for it. He can consider buying and using the product himself so that he can narrate his first-hand experience. In any case he should try to sell only those products which he truly approves. It should be as if he “owns” the product with all its merits and demerits and is prepared to vouch for its credibility.

He should project his views with true feelings and compassion as a result of his owning the product or accepting the product as his own. If he is less than sincere in his approach, it will somehow show thru and people will most likely not listen to him. True conviction can come only when he truly associates himself with what he is trying to sell.

Even when he puts his heart and soul in his presentation, not many people will believe him in first instance. He will need to develop means (such as a mailing list) to communicate with interested people repeatedly, gradually building his case and persuading them to buy. All thru this process the sincerity and conviction of the affiliate should be clearly visible.

This process has additional fallout which in my opinion is more important. The affiliate builds up his image as someone who is an expert in his field and can be trusted. This image will ensure his income in future. His credibility will be his most important asset.

He will be able to build relationship with his long term customers. This is a gradual process, may take time but creates a solid foundation for future business.
And it all started with his “owning” and endorsing the product in the first place. This is the real foundation for a successful MLM network marketing business.

Misery Loves Company - A Marketing Disease

by: Jim Hoffman

Network marketing or MLM are widely viewed as scams and pyramid
schemes. While for many so called oportunities this is true. Don't
be too quick to judge true valuable programs that can put money
in your pocket and even make your financial dreams come true.

Many of your freinds and relatives will tell you that these programs don't work and you are wasting your time and money.
But why wouldn't they - You are excited about the program you are promoting and talk about it all the time. To a point they are jealous. Misery Loves Company.

People will always knock you down for trying to better yourself.
They want you to stay with them, working everyday 9-5.
The possibility of you succeeding frightens them.
But they worry with good reason. Many MLM or Network marketing programs are indeed scams.

The important things to look for in a network marketing company are;
Is there an actual product or service being offered?
You want a company that offers a tangible product, something real.
If the company offers a service,is it a service that people want or need?

How long has the company been in business?

Look for staying power. A company that has been around awhile is more than just a MLM program. It is a true business you can
grab onto.

Does the company offer training and guidance?

Most scams will only offer you ocassional email support and usually try and sell you on the backend.
Look for companies that offer both phone and email support.
You also want complete online support - audios, videos, downloads and anything else that will help you succeed.

You want to stay away from companies that are vague in what they are selling and seem more interested in getting you to the sign up page. Or companies that just are going to "teach you to market"
without any real product or support system.

Also, companies that have a system that is too hard for you to understand. How will you succeed if you can't sell it yourself?

The bottom line is. Don't be to quick to ignore valuable marketing systems. Investigate, ask questions and then go for it. Many people are actually online making full time salaries with these programs.
The trick is to find the one that you enjoy and believe in.

Once you do, you will triumph. I will end this article with a final question.
If Network Marketing didn't work, why would so many people being doing it successfully?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Making Money out of your First Effort

by: Chen Zarza

Have this phrase broken through your life at least once? I think so, most of us want to be paid when we are sleeping, resting or on vacations. Is there a way to turn your dream into a reality? As a matter of fact, it is possible…

Here is the answer you are waiting for: Passive income. You get money for your previous efforts. "You earn money while you sleep".

Let me explain what I mean; in general we have two categories of income:

- Active income
- Passive income

Active income means: You get money from business participation (salary, dividends, interest, capital, bonuses…)
Passive income means: You get revenue that does not demand your direct involvement, at least after your first work.

Would you like to have more time to do the things you love? Passive income comes and rescues you, giving you the chance to begin a quality life. It offers you economic freedom, and much, much more. What are the benefits?

1.- Requires from you only a first effort
2.- After starting, it works in auto pilot
3.- Decide when, and where you work
4.- Multiple income streams
5.- Free time, used it as you want
6.- Secure your life...

Some sources of passive income include:

- Royalties (from patents…)
- Network Marketing
- Income from a standalone business
- Property rentals
- Investments
- Creative Work
- Insurance renews
- CD (Audio, Video) Sales
- E-book Sales
- Software Products...

Whether you're just starting a business, or running it from time now, start shifting your model to create more passive income, and soon, you can achieve personal and financial freedom.

Passive income is more common in the off-line world; people says “around 80% of passive income scenarios stem from real estate investments”. Despite this fact, there are interesting alternatives if you are running an online business.

1.- Affiliate Programs – Look for companies that offer large commissions, and track clients for multiple sales over a long period of time, preferable lifetime commissions .
2.- Your own informational product - You can create an e-book and sell it on the Web. It is a fact; People needs and wants information.
3.- Software products – Are you a software developer, or have a developer team, or have a good idea and hire someone else to carry out it? This is your golden chance.
4.- Do You have a site that attract visitors? You have some advantages:
a.-Rent space for banners or links
b.-Include Google Campaigns (AdWords, AdSense): the number of visitors that click on the advertising says how much you earn.
5.- If you are an expert in your field, create a membership site, and charge for your services.
6.- Resell services: such as hosting, domains…

You have different choices to create passive income across a diversified amount of opportunities. It may be income coming from the same customers, or revenew from new customers. It may require no personal involvement whatsoever, such as an e-book, or software sold on a web site.

Building multiple passive income streams is the best way to secure yourself for the future. Protect yourself against eventualities, plan for the coming events.

Make Money at Home - Learn the Secrets Before Starting...

by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.

To a lot of people, network Marketing seems an arduous task. But it doesn't have to be that way. Networking can be very rewarding and you can have fun while learning how to make money at home.

Advertising can be accomplished in many different ways. Car stickers to sign posts and beer mats have been used consistently. Business cards coveniently placed in Hotels, Taxi Ranks, Airport departure lounges and hundreds of other suitable venues have produced good results. Making money online doesn't have to be pursued online.

To make money on the Internet, you just have to communicate through all the known mediums available. Be proud of what you represent and make sure that others know you are proud of your business. If you aren't proud of it, then go find something else that you can be proud of representing.

You do not need a highly priced business to make money on the internet. In fact, the lower the price, the more interest your business will receive.

Now this is where people go astray ... Network Marketing is about leverage. It is not about signing up thousands of people in your first week. It's about finding just a few people who find a few people ... and so on.

Remember, the drop out rate for highly priced businesses are substantially more than for the lower priced options. Affordability is a key factor in retaining your associates and your associates are the key factors that allow you to make money at home. Looking after, supporting and mentoring those associates should be your prime purpose in life. They are the people who will ensure your success.

In some businesses, you will not find any support whatsoever. Those are the ones to avoid. Also take a look and see if there is a good marketing system in place. If there isn't, you could run up a sizeable bill in marketing your business with external resources.

Remember, the whole point in starting and maintaining your business is to make money, not to spend it on resources that should have come with the business model.

While automation plays a part in todays marketing environment, it is the personal touches that make the sale. That follow up phone call to say hello, makes a whole lot of difference between success and failure.

To make money online, you have to communicate with those who have taken an interest in your business and you have to assure them that you are the person they need as a sponsor. Are you that dependable person?

Knocking The Mythology Out of Affiliate Network Marketing

by: Isaiah Hull

If you have worked as an Internet marketer for any amount of time, you have probably heard repeatedly that affiliate network marketing opportunities are the most lucrative, cleanest, quickest way to make an income on the Internet. And if you have actually tried affiliate network marketing for any amount of time, you more than likely ended up broke or never achieved more than modest, fluctuating success. . .like almost everyone else who goes into the field.

So what prevents you and 97% of all other affiliate marketers from succeeding while 3% continually rakes in 70% of the profits? Are they smarter than you are? Do they work harder and longer than you do? Do they know a bunch of obscure secrets that you do not?--No, but they do have a totally different mindset.

In order to become successful in affiliate network marketing, you must destroy the mythological mindset that most people bring to the business. You must stay firmly grounded in reality if you ever want to succeed.

How many times have you heard about some little old lady that only spends 3 hours a week on her computer and somehow earns $50,000 a month? And how many times have you read an ad that tells you how you can make $10,000 in one month from now if you sign up right away?

We have all seen these ads and we have all responded to them at one time or another. Chances are, if you're in an affiliate program now, you were hooked by a line like that. But what separates the "gurus" from the people who make little or no money is that the gurus understand what this really is: mythology. These stories, while they might be true, promote mythological thinking that tricks people into trying every opportunity that looks good at the moment, rather than focusing on a single opportunity.

These "opportunities" not only prevent you from succeeding, but they have an even nastier byproduct: they promote the mythology that you either succeed on the Internet in 15 minutes or you will never succeed at all.

This is simply not true, yet it is the reason why almost no one succeeds with affiliate marketing: they can never stay with one opportunity more than a couple months. If they do not have instant success, they give up and move on--restarting the same building process they abandoned. They never reap the profit of cumulative efforts. They build a foundation, they leave before starting the actual building--and then they move to another company, start the foundation, and then leave once again.

Without exception, every successful Internet marketer has spent an enormous amount of time both researching and experimenting with online business. Most have failed miserably a number of times and most have spent a significant amount of time working their way to the top and achieving profit. It really is pretty hard to earn an income on the Internet, but it is entirely doable if you are following a proven plan and if you are willing to abandon lofty mythology for a plan rooted in reality.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best places to start making a profit online. In fact, almost every successful Internet marketer I know started her career selling affiliate products. Many of them still do. What made them successful is that they found a legitimate opportunity to make money (whether or not it was the best one available), they found replicable processes that got them visitors and profit, and then they repeated those processes and reinvested those profits until they got to where they are now.

Most people cannot accept that making money with affiliate programs is this simple. I have found that most affiliate marketers who do not earn an income online either a) do not want to do actual work or b) have developed a mythological mindset from reading affiliate program advertisements--and can only think in terms of making money on the Internet through magic, rather than results-oriented action.

In closing, I will summarize and then dispel all of the popular Internet affiliate marketing myths, so you can skip the learning curve and start building your empire today:

Myth #1: There is an affiliate program out there that will do all of the work for you and make you rich without requiring effort on your part.

Truth: You have a much better chance of earning an income on the Internet if you work on the affiliate program you are in currently in (as long as it is a legitimate opportunity) than if you search the entire Internet for a better opportunity. There is definitely a lot to be said for having a responsive, successful upline, but ultimately, your success will depend on your actions. You can sell anything on the Internet; you just have to spend enough time in the building and learning process.

Myth #2: You must spend an exorbitant amount of money on advertising to make money on the Internet.

Truth: Every single successful Internet marketer puts heavy testing, good design, and reliable follow-up over heavy spending. They minimize costs and they make sure what they are actually spending produces empirically-acceptable results.

If you ignore this you will fail. A lot of real life corporations spend thousands of dollars monthly on PPC campaigns and end up making no money at all because they don't start small and test their results. They just throw money at the problem and hope for sales. You don't have thousands of dollars to throw away, so don't do this.

Myth #3: You will succeed or fail on the Internet or on any Internet money-making venture within month.

Truth: Most Internet marketers have spent time building an enormous empire with big mailing lists and regular website visitors. They worked to become successful. You must also.

If you want to find an affiliate program that makes you rich instantly without putting in any work, then continue spending money. Send me an email when you find it because I have personally looked at hundreds--and while some are better than others--none offer success without action.

The Internet is riddled with mythology. If you want to succeed, you must reject this mythology and look for clear, work-for-results solutions. You must create plans and put them into action immediately. You must build and cultivate a base of subscribers and visitors. And above all, you must accept that you can only achieve profit through sweat, not luck.

Key Aspects Of A Successful Network Marketing Program

by: Kirk Bannerman

The world of network marketing has many aspects, but promotion,
persistence, and patience are three key elements which are
vital to achieving successful results in a network marketing

PROMOTION is the lifeblood of network marketing. Whether you
are using online methods or offline methods, or a combination of
both, you must constantly strive to get your offering in front of
a targeted audience.

There are thousands of published sources that deal with specific
methods of network marketing (both online and offline), but the
key point to be made here is that you must have an active
promotion campaign designed to bring in a steady stream of new
prospective downline members.

PERSISTENCE is a key element in network marketing success.
You've gotta "just keep on keepin' on", even though frustation
levels can be quite high at times.

After you have been at it a while, and have a downline large
enough to provide reasonably accurate statistics, you will
probably find that about 95% of your downline members are dormant
and do nothing at all. Its easy to get down in the dumps or take
it personally when you encounter so many "do nothing" people.

Therefore, it is really important work with and actively support
the 5% or so that are serious about participating. And clearly,
an active and effective promotion campaign will continue to
bring in increasing numbers of potential participants so that
while 5% is small on a percentage basis, it can still be a
sizeable amount from a pure numbers standpoint.

PATIENCE is vital. You can expect that it will take about a year
before the awsome power of geometric growth kicks in.

A classic illustration of geometric growth is the frequently used
penny-a-day example.

If you save one penny on the first day, and double it every
successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have
4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have at the end of
30 days? The answer, to the astonishment of many, is $5,368,708!
Amazing, but true.

Its a sad statistic that most network marketers fail and it is
often traceable to the fact that they did not exhibit enough
persistence and patience to continue constantly promoting their
business for the year or so that is required for success.

Network marketers that stick with it for a year or more often end
up becoming the proverbial "heavy hitters".

In closing, I would like to encourage you to increase your chances
of becoming a successful network marketer by always keeping a
clear focus on "the three P's" of Promotion, Persistence, and

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is "Work at Home" Loosing Popularity?

by: Mahesh Bhat

As per search engine suggestion tool, the term “Work At Home” may not be loosing its popularity. But the term is obviously loosing it's meaning!

Is The Term “Work At Home” Loosing its Popularity?

Let me start this discussion with a simple question. On the Internet why folks search for “Work At Home” or “Work From Home?” Reason may be countless. But what they are exactly looking?

“Job or Employment”

Yes, in-fact more than 80% of the folks are looking for jobs rather than biz. But this Internet Ocean can't generate unlimited job opportunities. It can only generate unlimited business opportunities (There is a wide difference between biz opportunity & money making opportunity!)

Folks spend countless hours on the Internet searching for jobs. Obviously they don't find any job, because there is no job at all. But they find money making as well as biz opportunities; they join to such opportunities because it’s FREE. They don't read; they don't listen; they don't try to understand how the system works? They don't work. But they jump from program to program & biz to biz. They don't stay focused at a single point. They don't have long-term goals. But they live in the dream world counting million dollars!

In simple words majority of the “Work At Home” folks “Do Nothing & Expect Income.” There is one more chance that, they try to do too much! So at the beginning stage it would definitely cause for failure.

The one & only way to earn legal money on the Internet is to “sell a product” or “sell a service” Simple! But “work at home” folks realize this truth rarely & lately. By the time they realize this truth, they decide themselves “No, I can't sell anything on the Internet, I can't recruit anyone, Internet biz is no more fits to me, so I should quit this”.

An average of 40-60% folks decide so and run away from the Internet biz (sad truth for us) And they badmouth each & every programs or biz opportunity in which they have been involved.

Some time folks get attracted by “Do Nothing & Get Rich Schemes” (Scams!) If they have money they will throw it on these types of programs. “That's the END of Work At Home!”

So in Internet language, ”Work At Home” doesn't mean that “job” or “Employment”. It means business, but it has to be done like a job! Consistence, Persistence, Patience, Talent & Intelligence is important to have success on “Work At Home” programs on the Internet. And finally it's also matter of L-U-C-K

I personally wasted about six months to find a perfect “Work At Home Business” I tried all types of “Affiliate Programs”, “Network Marketing” “MLM”, “Get Paid To...” “Secret Agent (?)”, “Data Entry Scams” and more! I'm glad to say that I did not loss much money. Anyway finally I managed to find a best “Internet Based Home Business”. I don't know how to make Five Figure Six Figure or Seven Figure Income per month. But I know how to make a comfortable living on the Internet.

Can't you make money on the Internet? Don't Worry. At least you can have million dollars of Information & Knowledge on the Internet for FREE!

As per search engine suggestion tool, the term “Work At Home” may not be loosing its popularity. But the term is obviously loosing it's meaning.

Hundreds of Thousands of folks are entering into the Internet Ocean every month looking for “Money Making Opportunities”, Some folks would find “Goldmine” on the Internet Ocean, some folks find tons of dreams but no gold, not even dust !
Let's wait and see..

Is There Network Marketing Without Hype?

by: Gobala Krishnan

When I was first exposed to network marketing at the age of 23 and introduced to the idea that any average person can take control of their destiny for a better future, I could see new light of hope.

You see, for me, life had to be about making choices, and the lack of that ability so often in my growing years led me to believe that network marketing is the do-or-die answer. Little did I know or expect the amount of hype I was about to get in my first naive year in network marketing, which almost crushed my dreams simply because no one shared the truth with me.

Is hype really necessary in network marketing? I honestly don't think so.

I hate hype and the very essence of trying to convince someone by using false or misleading words and deliberate interpretation of other people's words in order to get a sale or make a new MLM recruit. I believe in network marketing, but the hype that so often comes as a pre-packaged MLM "starter kit" almost destroyed what I believed in.

Here's why I don't believe hype is necessary in network marketing; because network marketing is not about selling false hopes to anyone. Network marketing is not about selling at all; it's about building long-term relationships and trust. Network marketing is not about convincing, it's about sorting.

If you were looking for a business partner, which one would you prefer? Someone who told you the truth, or someone who stretched the truth whenever he can to keep you happy? Sad to say, you may well belong to the first category as I do, but there are hundreds of people out there who actually welcome the hype.

These are the type of people who WANT you to tell them exactly what they want to hear. And what's that?

They want to hear that they will be able to make money easily without shedding blood and tears. They want to hear that they don't need to learn any new skills. They want to hear that the product you're promoting is 100% perfect and that people will be lining up and punching each other to buy it. They want to hear that success is looking for them.

And as long as those people exist, there WILL be hype in network marketing. When there is demand, there is supply, as my economics teacher used to say once. There's nothing much you or I can do about it. Hype kills network marketing for all those who choose not to walk that path, but it's something that we have to live with.

I also believe just as there are those who WANT hype, there are also those who want the truth. And what's that?

The truth is that network marketing is not perfect. No business model is perfect. There's always a risk that you'll fail. There's always a risk that you'll lose money. There's always a risk that all those things you don't want to happen, will happen.

As long as you're ready to accept that risk, as long as you find someone who is wiling to share the truth with you, and willing to share the risk with you, won't it be worth it to explore the possibility that network marketing promises?

If you fail in network marketing, a business opportunity that has no fixed costs, low investment, and one of the best cash flows compare to any other business, will your life really be worse off than it was when you didn’t realize YOU had a choice?

Or will you be better off than those who never tried simply because they were too afraid of failure? That's something to think about.

Internet Based Network Marketing Success

by: Lana Hampton

Internet based network marketing is a rewarding business for those who can do it right. However, Internet based network marketing can be as daunting to the beginner as to the more experienced in business, especially when considering the size and power of the Internet.

So Internet based network marketing is a potent recipe that can lead to your financial success. The secret to success in Internet based network marketing is a simple duplicable system that anyone can follow-- not just experienced networkers. This includes both online, offline and a combination of the two, for both part-time and full-time participants. PLUS a product you truly believe in. Armed with this combination, you are ready to take on the world.

However, there’s a downside to Internet based network marketing too, as with everything else! No sensible networker will ever advise you to rely 100% on the systems, and with very good reason. The systems assist you in every aspect of your business, but the power of network marketing only begins to multiply when you keep your downline growing too. This can only be done by building relationships with your team, no computer can do that!

Picking your core opportunity can be a very personal thing. You may have had previous experience in a particular industry for example, but eventually it will come down to one key decision - what you are selling or promoting. The secret here is to realize that every Internet based network marketing opportunity has three facets: Retailing, Customer Lead Marketing Plan, and Business Lead Marketing Plan.

Retailing is just focusing on selling a product to a customer to earn a commission. The Customer Lead Marketing Plan is a very powerful marketing plan since customers make the best distributors of products, because they have a personal story to tell. Although it is business builders that will make you the most money, every opportunity will have a marketing plan to follow up with your customers to convert them into business builders. The Business Lead Marketing Plan, on the other hand, is the same for every opportunity although not many people realize it! By learning basic network marketing techniques and perfecting them, it is then easy to share with your downline. This is the key to a successful network marketing business. You are in the people business; your core opportunity is just the vehicle.

So you see, Internet based network marketing is quite easy really, if you get the hang of it. This is your golden opportunity to build your own home business and be the master of your own destiny.

*You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your ezine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is including the following footer with it...

Internet And Network Marketing Works

by: Lana Hampton

Internet and network marketing are inseparably related today. The phenomenal growth of the Internet has been a great boost for those trying to establish a network marketing business of their own. Whether part time or full time, you can combine the worldwide exposure and instant response so typical of the Internet to build your business from your home or office computer, or for that matter, anywhere in the world. You are always connected.

Many people have made fortunes on the Internet and network marketing has been easy for them for so many reasons. But the one common thing among them is that they have all worked really hard at it. This is no ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme on the Internet and network marketing is just like any other business. You succeed if you persevere.

If you are conversant with the ways of the Internet and network marketing looks like the right thing for you, then start building your business today! Network marketing is a worldwide mega trend today, with about 30,000 people joining network marketing companies per week. And why do you think that is? Because network marketing is a way for an average individual, without any prior business experience and technical training, to establish a worldwide, highly profitable marketing organization, and to run it out of his or her own home.

Network marketing is nothing but a highly efficient way of getting a product from a manufacturer directly into the hands of the customer, without all the middlemen who only serve to increase the cost of the product, and without the traditionally huge advertising expenses incurred by most companies.

The Internet has had great effect on the network marketing industry. Some companies have been very successful in using the Internet and network marketing has been booming. There are several companies with sales in the hundreds of millions dollars annually, who enter between seventy and ninety percent of their orders via the Internet or automatic touchtone ordering. The distributors use this system because they choose to. Those who feel the least bit uncomfortable with technology are free to call an 800 number to place orders with live operators. Most, however, recognize and take advantage of the benefits of the newer technologies.

So don’t have second thoughts about whether or not to make use of the Internet, and network marketing may be just the thing for you. Work at your own time and pace, and slowly but surely build up a residual income. Fulfill your dream of being able to afford the luxuries of life. Enjoy life king-size!

Network Marketing Do's and Don'ts

by: Nial Robbins

Why did you become a network marketer? Most people immediately respond, “for the money!” However, this is not the real reason.
No one subjects them to the hard work of building a business just for little pieces of paper with the faces of dead presidents. The truth is you work in order to obtain what those little pieces of paper can bring you.

The first thing you need to do is to find the reason WHY you are a network marketer. Is it the freedom to choose whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it? Maybe you are looking for a different lifestyle. If there is one thing that is critical to your network marketing success, this is it. If you don’t have a reason, there is no motivation to succeed.

A network marketing business is a teaching and coaching business. If you don’t like interaction with other people, a network marketing business probably is not for you. There’s a concept that most network marketers just can’t seem to get a handle on. You do not sponsor “reps,” you sponsor “people!”
If you have to find a reason why you are building your business, then doesn’t it stand to reason that other people will have to do the same thing? If that’s the case, then why is it that network marketers continually focus on how much money your prospect can earn?

There’s no way you are going to convince “Joe Sixpack,” to get out of his Lazyboy recliner unless you find out what his motivation is. Most network marketers literally pound in the amount of money Joe can earn. They bombard him with message after message about how “Successful Sam” has just purchased his 10th Porsche, refurnished his 25,000 square foot cottage and promise Joe that he can do the same!
Just how realistic is this approach? Joe isn’t stupid. He works long, hard hours at his job in order to provide for his family and truly believes that the best thing he can hope for is saving enough money by summer to pay for a camping trip. Then here you come, promising Joe that he can have everything that Sam has and he can have it if he will just sign that piece of paper making you his sponsor!

You will probably sponsor a few people that way, but if you are in business for the long haul you need to change your approach and do it fast.
The proper approach is so simple, but in your rush to sponsor another “rep” instead of helping another person, all too often you talk yourself into and straight out of sponsoring the Joes of the world.
God gave you two ears and one mouth and he did it for a reason. We are supposed to “listen” twice as much as we “speak.”

Instead of pouncing on Joe with the latest and greatest network marketing program of all time, find out what Joe wants and needs. Ask him questions, lots of questions. In fact, in your first meeting with Joe, don’t even mention your business! Yes, that’s what I said. Don’t even bring it up. Remove yourself from the super duper network marketing persona and spend time making a new friend.
Follow these recommendations and you are set to grow your business exponentially.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to Succeed in MLM Without Really Trying

by: Steve Lowell

How do you succeed in MLM without really trying? can’t!
But now that I have your attention, here are some ideas that will make the business building process far easier then most people experience.

There are many reasons why people find MLM difficult, there are two, however, that stand out above the rest:

1. They use an “inbound” recruiting methodology
2. They recruit the wrong people

Let’s take a look at number 1; “inbound” recruiting methodology:

Most people try to recruit by focusing on the exact wrong information. The typical approach is to throw enough information at the prospect (company, compensation plan, products etc) that, hopefully the prospect will find something that he likes and join the business. The problem with this approach is…well…it doesn’t work! At least not often enough for most people to build a solid business.
I call this “inbound” methodology because it’s all about trying to recruit people for the sole reason of building YOUR business…it’s about your gain, not theirs.

I have had countless people try to “recruit” me by trying to impress me with their wonderful company, revolutionary compensation plan or cutting edge product, but no one has yet to ask me a single question about my needs, wants or “don’t-wants.” No one has asked me any questions that identify weather or not I might be interested in looking at making as change.
An outbound process is when we identify true prospects by trying to help those who have an unwanted condition in their lives which could be solved by their participation in our business.

People will not migrate towards change unless they require change. So, step number one is to identify the unwanted condition or the needs, wants and “don’t-wants” then offer the prospect the opportunity to explore a solution for THEIR reasons…not yours. See the difference?

If you are struggling in MLM, it could be because you are trying to recruit people for the wrong reason, thus, using the exact wrong approach and as a result of all that, recruiting the wrong people.

This brings us to point number 2; recruiting the wrong people:

Identify people who have a requirement for change first; people who have expressed through conversation some unwanted condition that might prompt them into action. Even then, you need to further qualify them as a prospect before your spout off about your company, your products or your awesome compensation plan.

The people you should be looking for are people who have a specific set of qualities. The ideal type of people who make the best business building partners are those people who…

1. have a desire for change,
2. are people oriented type individuals,
3. are influential, in as much as they commend respect from the people in their lives and have an impact on the lives of others,
4. are involved in service clubs, networking business clubs, or active in the community; they understand the concept of networking as part of a legitimate business model,

5. are financially able to invest in their business in order to facilitate growth.

The more of these characteristics an individual possesses, the more likely they will be to actually succeed in network marketing. Once you have qualified your prospect using these criteria and determined that they posses enough of these characteristics to be considered a good prospect, only then should we begin the process of trying to help them solve their unwanted condition by inviting them to explore a solution.

How to leverage the Internet in MLM

Most people who try to leverage the Internet to build their MLM business wake up to the rude awakening that Network Marketing in the Internet age requires a whole lot more than just having a web site.

Your marketing system should fulfill four critical functions in order to peek the interest of your prospect to the point where they either come back to you for more information, or they remove themselves from the prospect pool.

First of all, your system should promote you as a professional. This adds to your credibility and makes it much easier for your prospects to understand that you are serious about your business and that you are capable of helping them.

To accomplish this, whatever resource you use to begin to promote your business should somehow be professionally labeled or marked as coming from you. This is not to say that you must be the author or presenter of the material, but that material should be accompanied buy some promotional entity which depicts you as the deliverer of professional information.

If your resources are on-line, you should have a professional looking photo and/or a short professional bio on the web site.

By promoting yourself first as a reliable source of information, you will build trust and rapport with your prospects, increasing their chances of allowing you the privilege of helping them solve their unwanted condition.

The second critical function of your marketing system should be to emotionally engage your prospect so that they can relate to the information on a personal level. By presenting an emotionally compelling presentation, your prospect’s mind will be more accepting to the information that follows.

Remember that the reason your prospect is examining your information in the first place is because they have indicated a specific discontent that they need to have serviced. Your marketing system should remind them of the feelings of discontent that they experience, so that they become excited about the possibility of solving that discontent.

Since most decisions are made based on how we feel, it is critical that your prospect become emotionally involved. This emotional involvement will help your prospect to make the decision to continue exploring your information.

Appeal to your prospects emotional senses using specific questioning, a generic audio, video or on-line presentation which brings your prospect’s sense of discontent back to the surface in order to prepare them for the next step.

The third function of your marketing system should be to educate your prospect so that your prospect is clear that this is a network marketing business.

In a previous article entitled “100% Rejection Free MLM Prospecting”, I provided the following advice, and it’s worth repeating here because it is highly critical to the effectiveness of your on-line prospecting initiatives:

Don’t trick your prospects into attending a meeting or live presentation if they are unaware that your business is MLM. This turns people off, and makes them feel manipulated and it puts you in a position where you may have to deal with those objections yourself.

Use a system that informs the prospect of the MLM nature of your business without your input. That way, you will not attract difficult questions from your prospect. If your prospect is completely un-accepting of the MLM business model, they will bow out of the process at this point.

By using a video or other tool to inform your prospect that your business in Network Marketing, you allow the prospect to absorb and consider that information on their own time on their own terms. They will be much more appreciative of this consideration than if they had invested time to attend a lengthy “opportunity meeting”

You want to know if your prospect is resistant to the MLM business model at this point so that you can stop investing time in trying to recruit someone who does not want to be recruited. This is a major problem area for most inexperienced network marketers.

The fourth function of your marketing system is to pre-qualify your prospect by requiring some sort of action on the part of the prospect.

Maybe they have to fill in a form on-line, or complete a short questionnaire. If your prospect completes the required action, after they have been educated, that will tell you that your prospect understands that your business is MLM and they are accepting of the concept and they are likely open to exploring your offerings further…otherwise they would not have completed the process.

The reason this is so important is because by giving your prospect a task to complete, you are pre-qualifying their level of commitment to solving their discontent, and you are giving them an easy way out in that if they decide that they are not interested in following through any further, they simply wont complete the task.

This removes the rejection factor completely from the equation, and allows you to invest your time only with those prospects who have demonstrated a sincere interest by completing the tasks requested of them.

The marketing system that I use is a compilation of generic systems, connected together to form an effective and easy to follow marketing and pre-qualification system which can be used by any network marketing professional in any network marketing business.

by: Steve Lowell

Friday, August 15, 2008

How To Guarantee Your Success In Network Marketing

All our life, we have been taught by our parents, friends, and the media the same thing. Go to school. Get good grades so that you can get into the best colleges or universities around. If you follow that then you can get a ‘good’ job. You will be set for life.

Not really true….

With Job cuts, corporate restructuring, and layoffs still being reported in the news almost every single day, it is not surprising that this concept of life isn't really true any more.
A lot of people are now looking to start their own business so that they can have more financial security, more freedom, more choices, and more time to be with their family. As the economy continues to plummet and layoffs and bankruptcies fill the news, isn't it your time to take the bull by the horns and secure your and your family's financial future?

Here are 6 steps that you need to follow in order for you to be a successful network marketer:

1. You got to have patience.
They don’t say 2-5 years for nothing. Many new people who do get involved in network marketing think that they will make a nice comfortable full time income in just a few months. Very few do that, but it will take you some time. So make sure that you give your business at least 2 years to succeed. If you don't, you are on the right track to FAILURE.

2. They have the persistence of a bulldog.
The lack of persistence and consistency is one of the major causes of failure. Many people are good "starters" but very poor "finishers" of everything they start. They tend to give up at the first sign of defeat. Successful network marketers know that it is important to be persistent and consistent even though they work hard and don’t see any results for a while.

3. They set goals.
Athletes, successful business-people, lawyers, doctors, and great achievers in all fields use goal setting. Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% higher success rate of achieving them.

4. They set short-term goals.
Short-term goals are usually simpler and easier than long-term goals.
Why? Well, writing them can help you have more frequent victories, and building momentum with each one you complete. If you do that, you can have more excitement and more motivation as you reach those goals on time. When you do reach you short-term goals, don't forget to reward yourself and celebrate.

5. They write down their WHY.
Why did they really get into network marketing for? What made them start their own business? Is it because they wanted to be their own boss? Is it because they wanted more freedom and time to spend with their family? More money? What ever their WHY is, they always know it so that it keeps them going when things are not going well for them.

6. They replace their negative self-talk.
They know that they are the creator of their thoughts and beliefs. Successful network marketers know how to replace negative self-talk and change it to positive self-talk. People, especially friends and family, try to brain wash them along the way. They tell them that they will not succeed. They laugh at them. They tease them that it won't work. But they don’t listen. They work their business and make it work. At the end they become so successful that family and friend evantually join them too.

Here are some more insider secrets to how the average person like you and me make it big in network marketing:

*They market daily. In other words, they contact more people and they advertise more on a daily basis. They don't do this once a week or once a month. They work their business everyday.
*They believe that they will succeed, without a shadow of a doubt.
*They read motivational books on a daily basis.
*They train their first level downline members to duplicate their efforts. They show them how to use the products. They show them how to advertise. They show them what books to read and what tapes to listen to.
*They listen and learn from others, especially from their upline.
* They follow up on their leads at least six times. Don’t forget, the fortune is in the follow up.
*They are willing to step out of their comfort zone. Many people don’t like to step out of their comfort zone and that is why they never succeed in network marketing.
*A successful network marketer is no MLM junkie. An MLM junkie is someone who jumps from one network marketing company to another. These people never make it in network marketing.

The clock is ticking. Get into network marketing now and stick with it no matter what so that your future and the future of those you love is more secured.

by: Tal Fighel

How to Explode Your Database Marketing And Back-End Sales To Increase Your Bottom Line Profits

Set up multiple simultaneous marketing campaigns with database marketing automation email software that get results exploding your internet business marketing while growing multiple optin lists, prospects consistent follow, increasing Back End Sales, and bottom line profits.

When you don’t follow up your prospects or customers with additional information, you are allowing valuable customers and prospects to skip from your grasp, go to your competitors, and satisfied their needs, at the expense of what should have been you’re your profits.

Those are customers that may have been very interested in your products, but simply lost your information, or were too busy when your information was sent. Some customers will purposely wait to see if you find them important enough to follow-up their inquiries. When they don’t receive a follow up message, they take their business elsewhere.

I don’t know about you, but just about everyone doing business on the Net been in that position, because of failing to automate their follow up. Though it’s been found that customer follow up at preset times with pre-written messages, dramatically increases sales.

The exception, those who automated their marketing campaigns, their list and database management, and automated their follow up with personalized email marketing software; and, they dramatically increased their back end sales and bottom line profits.

But, just as important as the increase of sales and profits, is the time saving features of marketing automation, as is the case with email marketing, the single most important aspect of database marketing and back end sales.

Other benefits of doing internet business with email marketing automation is the ability to follow up with prospects, while following through collecting leads, prospects, and customers email addresses and personal data, from a target market; growing an opt-in list of subscribers, managing multiple lists as a list server, and setting up multiple marketing campaigns with unlimited autoresponders.

Regardless of the spam problems of these days, email still remains most effective medium for:

• Keeping customers posted on new products and specials
• Ongoing personalized dialogue with website visitors
• Proactively getting customer satisfaction and testimonials
• Prospects follow up and requesting more information
• Keeping track of all contacts and email communication
• Introducing new products to your contact database
• Motivating and training your employees and associates
• Educating your customers and prospects

And the list could go on and on with no other limitation than the marketer’s creativity and imagination, or the email marketing automation software he’s using to automate his customers follow up.
Automated prospect follow up is the solution to selling more on the Internet, and specifically, for more back end sales. There is a wide range of email marketing automation software on the market now a days, some more sophisticated, easier to use, and more expensive than others.

As important, is the ability of data merge for personalized email to potential customers, prospects, newsletters subscribers, clients, colleagues, organization members, affiliate or associates, and network marketing downlines; and, automated add and remove contact data from its database.

Other than the above, the software should allow for the seamless input of prospects on the front end, and when they come out the other end, they have all the information they need to make an intelligent decision to buy, to join an affiliate program, or sign up to a Network Marketing downline.

Other important technical features for the email marketing software of your choice would be, the capacity of sending email through multiple simultaneous threads (at least 10 threads), at a sending average rate of 15 emails per thread; and an email address verifier, to verify new contacts email addresses and keeping your list clean from those entering a fake email address only to download your bonus.

Finally, the email software must have the capacity to handle the entire user unknown, undeliverable, and bounce back messages. This feature is very important to keep a clean list, and avoid being filtered by the ISP’s servers as Spam, because of too many undeliverable taking up their band width.

With an email marketing and database management software with all the above features, a Marketer or internet business operator you can set up, operate, and manage multiple programs, multiple marketing campaigns; and, also running multiple special offers, simultaneously and effortlessly.

For Netprenuers with an affiliate program, or into network marketing, this kind of software can help training associates, affiliates, and downlines, via email, on subjects such as distributor handbooks, marketing materials, or instructions for a quick jump start.

Finally, if you’re an e-publisher, this software provide the capacity for multiple broadcasting of newsletter or ezines; as well as to automatically submit article to hundreds of ezines editors at once..

by: Charles Longsworth

How To Create A Successful Work at Home Business

Many people have tried or are currently trying to make money online today. Only a small percentage of these people have actually gone on to achieve enormous amounts of success. The reason for so many failures is that people simply do not know how to create a home based business or even where to start.

I am going to share with you the four things that the online Guru’s do not want you to know because if you did, they wouldn’t have a job anymore. The four areas of focus will be on finding a niche market, building income streams, affiliate programs and networking.

Finding a niche market is your number one priority when starting a home based business. This means that you will have to do a little research and find the products or services everyone is looking for. Contact people already successful with a home business and find out what they are selling and how they started. When I first started myself, I signed up to money making forums and contacted people already making a living working out of their homes. I was shocked to find that these people were very helpful and provided me with plenty of valuable resources.

Once you have found a niche market, go with it and stick with it. Its important not to give up if you fail the first time around, persistence is the key. Continue to diversify and research other programs that are a match for you. Do not rely on one program as a main source of income, rather seek out other opportunities and create multiple sources of streaming income.

Network marketing is a fast growing business online today and an extremely effective way to build a business fast. Whatever product, program or service you decide to go with, become an expert on the subject matter and build a network with other people that share a common interest. When you are able to network your business with other business partners, it is possible to quadruple your income in a very short period of time.

Resell your program, product or service. There are thousands of affiliates making millions of dollars today simply by reselling their programs online. Affiliate marketing is a fast growing online business and can be done by virtually anyone. There are plenty of affiliate programs available online that will offer commissions anywhere from 5% to 75% on each sale.

Building a home business requires dedication and persistence. Following these four simple steps will help anyone achieve there goals and the financial freedom they have been looking for.

by: Timothy Rohrer

Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Choose The Right Network Marketing Opportunity.

by: shawn johnson

I think it's fair to say that most of us have at one time or another been introduced to network marketing by friends, family, or even complete strangers. And they always make it sound so easy, don't they? We are told that all it takes is a few e-mails or a phone call or two and then it's afternoons lounging on some tropical beach.

Of course, anyone who has joined a network marketing opportunity knows it isn't quite that easy. But this doesn't necessarily mean that network marketing is a scam either. There are thousands of people who are enjoying a massive residual income every month from work they only had to do once. But how do you choose which network marketing opportunity is the right one for you?


The first and most important thing to look out for is to make sure the opportunity your interested in is a legitimate one and not a pyramid scheme. And the best way to do this is by looking at the company’s product. A pyramid scheme will usually have a product of little or no value that is used mainly for the recruitment of others. Ask yourself if it is something that you can use and sell outside of the program?

Would you buy and use the company’s product even if you were not involved in the income opportunity? If the product is only useful in recruiting others into the program than you should probably stay away from it. And do you truly believe in the product? No, not because your sponsor tells you how great it is, but do YOU really believe that the company’s product is worth buying?

And is there a need for the product? I once watched a show where people submitted their inventions in a contest and as all of these people gave their presentations I remember thinking "wow, these are all really cool!" But as the judges began tearing the inventions apart I realized that while some of the inventions were pretty nifty, they weren't really very useful to anyone besides those who invented them. So make sure that the company's product has a real demand for it.


We have been told most of our lives that you get what you pay for. While this may be true with a lot of other things, it is not necessarily so with network marketing. It is easy to believe that because an income opportunity is low cost it must not work, and if it is expensive than it must make you money. This is not true, in fact it is quite the opposite.

The more expensive an opportunity is, the harder it is going to be to get people involved. And the harder you are going to kick yourself in the backside if it ends up not working for you. There are plenty of lucrative opportunities that cost between forty and two hundred dollars. Remember, you will still need money to advertise your business.


How much money you will actually make from each sale is a huge factor in determining your financial success. Make sure that the company is giving you a reasonable commission. If you only get a buck or two from every sale you make this is most likely not going to be very profitable for you.

Try to avoid programs that force you to go wide on your first level, or who don't reward you for going deep. The average network marketer only recruits two to four people, so you will want an opportunity that allows your downline to go deep which will make it easier for everyone and may help people from quitting the program.

Many companies also offer incentives such as fast start bonuses which can really jumpstart your earnings. You should be rewarded for your work right? There are many opportunities that have excellent bonuses so there is really no need to join one that does not.

The Company

It is always good to know who you are dealing with. Do a little research on the company and the program your thinking about getting involved with. Are there any complaints or lawsuits against them? Do former members relate awful experiences in network marketing forums?
You also don't want to get involved with a company too early or too late. Make sure they have been in business long enough to establish that they are trustworthy but at the same time you don't want to get involved so late that the market has already become saturated.


The success of your network marketing business depends greatly on your ability to keep your downline members active and to train them to recruit and keep their downline active as well. Duplication is the key to success with network marketing. The program should have great marketing tools, training, and excellent customer support. Some opportunities even have a members only forum which is a huge plus.

Recruiting Friends and Family

It can be really exciting when you first join a network marketing opportunity. Your full of energy, motivated about the product, and eager to get started. But you really should give yourself at least six months and some sales before you start calling the family tree.
That way if after the first two months it doesn't work out you won't feel stupid and have to hear "I told you so" from your loved ones. If your presenting a new opportunity to them every month it won't take very long before you won't be taken seriously.

Free Trials

The majority of opportunities have anywhere from a 7 to 30 day free trial where you can have full access to the program. This is the best way to see if it is going to work for you. Just make sure that you do a little research and see if the company honors these free trials without problems. Since most opportunities these days have a free trial, you need to think hard before deciding if you should join one that does not.
Network Marketing can have great rewards, or great consequences. These tips can steer you in the right direction and help you avoid some of the common mistakes that many of us make when getting involved in network marketing.

Most importantly, always go with your gut instincts and use common sense. If an opportunity doesn't seem right to you...Don't Do It! I have yet to come across a "once in a lifetime" opportunity so there is ALWAYS time to take a breather and do some research. Don't worry, the program will still be there tomorrow.