by: Ruby Arens-Halfschepel
Are you also curious, but skeptical, about becoming financially free with network marketing? Do you think financial freedom is only a dream? Why would network marketing be the answer? How should you use it to achieve financial freedom? Let’s begin…
Let's assume you've got a job or you're self-employed. That means you have to show up for work to get paid. You can say you exchange your time for money. As we tend to spend our money on food, our home, car and other stuff, we have to keep exchanging our time for money.
Although most of us have accepted this, that doesn't mean it has to be this way. When you feel yourself resisting your 9 to 5 routine or the limited amount of income you'll be making, you're ready to look beyond these limits.
The solution to the "exchange your time for money"-problem is to create passive income. As the word suggests this is income that you don't have to work for. How can that be?
There are two ways by which you can achieve this:
1. Invest in Real Estate to get rental income
2. Own businesses that don't require your presence
You can still create passive income in real estate today, even without having money, but knowledge of buying houses in preforeclosure is a must. So, if this is your thing, go for it!
If you want to own a business, here are four ways you can get one:
1. Buy a business
2. Buy the rights for a franchise
3. Start your own business
4. Network marketing
The first two options generally require a large investment. If you have the money and the ability to tell a good opportunity from a bad one, be my guest.
The third option is the most difficult. Remember, you want it to be the kind of business that doesn't require your presence, so you'll have to have the knowledge to set up all kinds of business systems, hire people, get finance for the start-up period. Also, you have to have a product.
However, once you've managed to build a successful business, it can be very satisfying and it can make you very rich. Just read on to find out how you can learn the right skills while growing the capital for your start-up.
And then finally, network marketing. You don't need capital, there is already a product and all systems (production, communication, distribution, payments) are in place. This means you have no risk and you can start right away.
But can this be a business that doesn’t require your presence? Well, not immediately, but you've got a great chance that it will be in a few years! How's that? Two reasons:
1. If you focus your marketing efforts on the internet, you can use tools like a website and an autoresponder. Once you've set-up these tools properly with your “unable to resist” marketing campaign and you've got traffic coming to your website, income is automatically generated for you for a long time after your initial efforts.
2. People can join the program under you. As you build your "downline" and teach them well, they start generating sales, from which you get your share. So for that part of your income your presence is no longer required either.
Then, when your presence isn’t required anymore, you can set up another stream of passive income. With this strategy you are well on your way to financial freedom.
Network marketing doesn’t necessarily have to be your end goal. Use network marketing to learn! Learn what it means to run a business. Then you can either excel in network marketing or prepare yourself to start and run your own business.
Hopefully, this article helped you make a choice if and how you want to become financially free. Making a choice you feel confident about helps you to keep going when things don’t go as smooth as you would like them to go.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Financial Freedom, is it only a dream or just steps away?
by: Yochention Saritoh
Almost all of us go to work everyday and do the same routine over and over again. We work so hard until we caught up in the routines for years. With the salary that we earn every day, we try to pay all of our bills. We always expect to get a higher salary, getting promotion or our business running better so we can earn more money. But we do not realize that when we get more income, we also have spent more money on our needs. After we work for two, five, or even ten years we just realize that we have been in the rat race of our financial troubles.
So, to be financially free is only a dream for us, we don’t think that is possible. We already set our mind set that we will retire after 40 years of working and then we start to enjoy our life after that. I don’t want to do that.
What if you can get the financial freedom faster than 40 years? What if I can show you how to get to financial freedom in 5 years? Wouldn’t it be interesting for you?
There are couples steps to achieve financial freedom.
First, you have to get the right mind set. Your mind set is what you are. You have heard old saying “You Are What You Think You Are”. This is true, when you think that you will always be poor then you will always be poor. When you think that you are a loser then you always will be a loser. When you think that you are short, then you always will be short. You see what I mean? Unless you want to change your mind set to the positive way, there is no way that you can get your dream, which is Financially Free. You have to believe in yourself and think that is possible for you to achieve financial freedom. From that kind of mindset, you will get different power in yourself and attitudes that will guide you until you achieve your goal.
Second, if you do have the right mind set, you have to change the bad habit that you have. If you don’t have the money, don’t spend it! Our society nowadays, has a brand new habit that does not exist centuries ago. We can spend our money before we earn it! That’s right; I am talking about credit card. If possible, cut all the credit cards that are not in used. We will be trap in this financial mouse trap easily with all the credit cards lying around on our tables. We have to be discipline by only keep one or two credit card that we use often only for emergency.
If you use your credit card, please do it in your current budget, not your future budget. A lot of people are trapped because they use their credit card based on their ‘future’ budget.
For example, Bob just got promoted this week, and his salary will be raised next month. He was so happy about it, and then he spends his future salary with his credit card. This is the mistake that we often do. In short, don’t spend it until you have it in your ‘pocket’.
Third, don’t put your money in the bank for too long. We often forget that if we put our money in the bank, the value of the money will be decrease so fast. The interest rate that the bank gives is far less than the inflations rate each year. We always have to be smart about our money. The bank doesn’t care about our money; in fact, they made the most profit from our money.
We have to find the perfect investment. I suggest you to go to your financial advisor ask for their best opinions. They will seek your needs, and they can give you the investments that are suitable to your needs.
Fourth, if we really want to be financially free, we have to earn a passive income. There are several ways to earn passive income. First we can create our own company that can runs without us. So, in short you can create a system that can works for you. It doesn’t have to be big; you can start it with a small size company, for example a groceries store. The most important from this is that you have to set up a system that works without you.
Another way to get a passive income is that you can franchise. Franchising nowadays has increasing tremendously in the past few years. This industry gives the owner to adapt a system that are already being established and proven. If you don’t want to build your own system, you can buy a franchise and run it.
Last but not least, you can always join network marketing. Network marketing is very reasonable for people that don’t have big capital. Opening your own business or franchising a business could cost you a fortune, but network marketing usually cost very little to start. You can always find a good network marketing company and stick with the company for 5 years. There you can learn how to built your network and achieve Financial Freedom.
Those are couples steps that you can follow to achieve financial freedom. Every journey is start with a small step. So, you can start your own journey to your financial freedom by start it with a small step. Don’t you waste your time, because the time is so precious that we can’t turn back the time. Hopefully this entire article help you realize that everyone need financial freedom, before you caught up into the routines for years.
Almost all of us go to work everyday and do the same routine over and over again. We work so hard until we caught up in the routines for years. With the salary that we earn every day, we try to pay all of our bills. We always expect to get a higher salary, getting promotion or our business running better so we can earn more money. But we do not realize that when we get more income, we also have spent more money on our needs. After we work for two, five, or even ten years we just realize that we have been in the rat race of our financial troubles.
So, to be financially free is only a dream for us, we don’t think that is possible. We already set our mind set that we will retire after 40 years of working and then we start to enjoy our life after that. I don’t want to do that.
What if you can get the financial freedom faster than 40 years? What if I can show you how to get to financial freedom in 5 years? Wouldn’t it be interesting for you?
There are couples steps to achieve financial freedom.
First, you have to get the right mind set. Your mind set is what you are. You have heard old saying “You Are What You Think You Are”. This is true, when you think that you will always be poor then you will always be poor. When you think that you are a loser then you always will be a loser. When you think that you are short, then you always will be short. You see what I mean? Unless you want to change your mind set to the positive way, there is no way that you can get your dream, which is Financially Free. You have to believe in yourself and think that is possible for you to achieve financial freedom. From that kind of mindset, you will get different power in yourself and attitudes that will guide you until you achieve your goal.
Second, if you do have the right mind set, you have to change the bad habit that you have. If you don’t have the money, don’t spend it! Our society nowadays, has a brand new habit that does not exist centuries ago. We can spend our money before we earn it! That’s right; I am talking about credit card. If possible, cut all the credit cards that are not in used. We will be trap in this financial mouse trap easily with all the credit cards lying around on our tables. We have to be discipline by only keep one or two credit card that we use often only for emergency.
If you use your credit card, please do it in your current budget, not your future budget. A lot of people are trapped because they use their credit card based on their ‘future’ budget.
For example, Bob just got promoted this week, and his salary will be raised next month. He was so happy about it, and then he spends his future salary with his credit card. This is the mistake that we often do. In short, don’t spend it until you have it in your ‘pocket’.
Third, don’t put your money in the bank for too long. We often forget that if we put our money in the bank, the value of the money will be decrease so fast. The interest rate that the bank gives is far less than the inflations rate each year. We always have to be smart about our money. The bank doesn’t care about our money; in fact, they made the most profit from our money.
We have to find the perfect investment. I suggest you to go to your financial advisor ask for their best opinions. They will seek your needs, and they can give you the investments that are suitable to your needs.
Fourth, if we really want to be financially free, we have to earn a passive income. There are several ways to earn passive income. First we can create our own company that can runs without us. So, in short you can create a system that can works for you. It doesn’t have to be big; you can start it with a small size company, for example a groceries store. The most important from this is that you have to set up a system that works without you.
Another way to get a passive income is that you can franchise. Franchising nowadays has increasing tremendously in the past few years. This industry gives the owner to adapt a system that are already being established and proven. If you don’t want to build your own system, you can buy a franchise and run it.
Last but not least, you can always join network marketing. Network marketing is very reasonable for people that don’t have big capital. Opening your own business or franchising a business could cost you a fortune, but network marketing usually cost very little to start. You can always find a good network marketing company and stick with the company for 5 years. There you can learn how to built your network and achieve Financial Freedom.
Those are couples steps that you can follow to achieve financial freedom. Every journey is start with a small step. So, you can start your own journey to your financial freedom by start it with a small step. Don’t you waste your time, because the time is so precious that we can’t turn back the time. Hopefully this entire article help you realize that everyone need financial freedom, before you caught up into the routines for years.
Do You Have The Right Stuff For Home Based Business Success?
by: Kirk Bannerman
Have you ever wondered if people that are successful in home
based businesses share some common characteristics and, if so,
what are the primary ones?
The dictionary defines successful as:
*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence
When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to
I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.
Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.
After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.
Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.
Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:
*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It takes
a lot of time to become an "overnight success"
*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull
*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business
Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess them
Have you ever wondered if people that are successful in home
based businesses share some common characteristics and, if so,
what are the primary ones?
The dictionary defines successful as:
*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence
When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to
I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.
Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.
After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.
Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.
Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:
*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It takes
a lot of time to become an "overnight success"
*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull
*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business
Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess them
Creating Wealth with Network Marketing: Getting Rich in 30 days.
by: Sean Gum
Network Marketing has come a long way in the last 50 or so years. What used to be a "shady" or questionable industry has now turned in a multi-national multi-billion dollar industry.
What used to be thought of as a "Pyramid Scheme" or "Get Rich Quick" scheme is now a legimate way to leverage the efforts of thousands of other people to create your income...
And now that you can get involved with Multi-National opportunities, you can *easily* build an income stream that comes in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year whether you continue working it or not.
So whether you are from the U.S, Canada, Japan, Israel or India, it no longer matters. The new Network Marketing companies let you do business anywhere. About the only country that does not allow Network Marketing is China where they *still* consider it a "Pyramid Scheme." (However, Russia has embraced it with open arms!)
Network Marketing can be broken up into two parts - "recruiting" which is finding other people to join your business and do the same thing you are doing - and "retail" which is selling or marketing a product or service.
As you sell the product, you make a commission. As you bring people into the business, you will start earning a percentage of the commission that THEY make.
So if you bring 3 people in, and they bring 9 people in, you will receive a percentage of all the sales that all 12 of those people make. The bigger your team of people you bring in, the bigger your commission check.
This is easily demonstrated by drawing circles. Draw a circle and draw two circles underneath it. Now draw two circles under each one of them...
Keep doing this 9 or 10 levels deep. Now go back to that top circle. That is YOU. You make a commission on ALL the little circles underneath you.
That is Network Marketing... That is the POWER of Network Marketing....
Before the Internet age, it used to take 10-15 years to build a team large enough that you could "walk away" from and it would continue to build without you. And this was with an income of $25,000 - $50,000 per month. Not bad...
When the Internet sprang onto the scene, the time was shortened to 3 - 5 years to build that same income. Not bad considering most people spend their whole lives working and never see that kind of income....
As you know, I *LOVE* multiple streams of income. I am always looking for additional opportunities to make "easy" money using the power of the Internet to leverage my actions...
A Network Marketing company without SALES or RETAIL?
I fell out of my chair when I ran across it! A Network Marketing company that did not require you to go out and sell the product... And only required you to find TWO other people to join the business...
And the compensation plan is phenomenal... The span has now been shortened from years to MONTHS and, as we are currently seeing, even WEEKS....
Six figures A MONTH in 16 weeks?
Go to the Business Plan section of and scroll down to the middle of the screen to Potential Monthly Earnings.
Too good to be true?
I have never ever seen a compensation plan like this one. The plan is simple:
1. Enroll and get started on an autoship.
2. Within 7 days, get 2 people to do the same.
3. Help those 2 people to repeat step #2 above.
Did you notice I didn't say anything about selling a product or service?
Did you also notice I didn't say repeat again after you get those 2 people?
That's right! The autoship is for your consumption. That's it. Although the product is amazing, that is not what you are doing with this business...
Your job is simply to do the 3 steps above...
Now look at the Potential Earnings once again...
Don't think it is possible?
Draw some more circles...
Draw a circle with two circles underneath. Then go down a level and continue drawing two circles underneath each one above it... Continue repeating for 16 levels...
What you will notice is that each level doubles the previous one.
This represents your network. You get 2 people in 7 days, they get 2 people in 7 days. Each week your team would double in size...
At the end of 20 weeks on that plan, your potential income is $181,00 per month! PER MONTH...
Still don't believe it?
I am about to completely blow your mind!
So I said I'd tell you how to do it in 30 days...
The magic of this opportunity is that once somebody joins, you have your entire upline building underneath YOU... They can - AND WILL - place people underneath YOU...
That is how this team is built - straight down. So when people up above recruit more than 2, they get placed down the line... underneath the new people..
But guess what... If you have not personally recruited your two people yet, you will miss out on those overrides..
Network Marketing has come a long way in the last 50 or so years. What used to be a "shady" or questionable industry has now turned in a multi-national multi-billion dollar industry.
What used to be thought of as a "Pyramid Scheme" or "Get Rich Quick" scheme is now a legimate way to leverage the efforts of thousands of other people to create your income...
And now that you can get involved with Multi-National opportunities, you can *easily* build an income stream that comes in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year whether you continue working it or not.
So whether you are from the U.S, Canada, Japan, Israel or India, it no longer matters. The new Network Marketing companies let you do business anywhere. About the only country that does not allow Network Marketing is China where they *still* consider it a "Pyramid Scheme." (However, Russia has embraced it with open arms!)
Network Marketing can be broken up into two parts - "recruiting" which is finding other people to join your business and do the same thing you are doing - and "retail" which is selling or marketing a product or service.
As you sell the product, you make a commission. As you bring people into the business, you will start earning a percentage of the commission that THEY make.
So if you bring 3 people in, and they bring 9 people in, you will receive a percentage of all the sales that all 12 of those people make. The bigger your team of people you bring in, the bigger your commission check.
This is easily demonstrated by drawing circles. Draw a circle and draw two circles underneath it. Now draw two circles under each one of them...
Keep doing this 9 or 10 levels deep. Now go back to that top circle. That is YOU. You make a commission on ALL the little circles underneath you.
That is Network Marketing... That is the POWER of Network Marketing....
Before the Internet age, it used to take 10-15 years to build a team large enough that you could "walk away" from and it would continue to build without you. And this was with an income of $25,000 - $50,000 per month. Not bad...
When the Internet sprang onto the scene, the time was shortened to 3 - 5 years to build that same income. Not bad considering most people spend their whole lives working and never see that kind of income....
As you know, I *LOVE* multiple streams of income. I am always looking for additional opportunities to make "easy" money using the power of the Internet to leverage my actions...
A Network Marketing company without SALES or RETAIL?
I fell out of my chair when I ran across it! A Network Marketing company that did not require you to go out and sell the product... And only required you to find TWO other people to join the business...
And the compensation plan is phenomenal... The span has now been shortened from years to MONTHS and, as we are currently seeing, even WEEKS....
Six figures A MONTH in 16 weeks?
Go to the Business Plan section of and scroll down to the middle of the screen to Potential Monthly Earnings.
Too good to be true?
I have never ever seen a compensation plan like this one. The plan is simple:
1. Enroll and get started on an autoship.
2. Within 7 days, get 2 people to do the same.
3. Help those 2 people to repeat step #2 above.
Did you notice I didn't say anything about selling a product or service?
Did you also notice I didn't say repeat again after you get those 2 people?
That's right! The autoship is for your consumption. That's it. Although the product is amazing, that is not what you are doing with this business...
Your job is simply to do the 3 steps above...
Now look at the Potential Earnings once again...
Don't think it is possible?
Draw some more circles...
Draw a circle with two circles underneath. Then go down a level and continue drawing two circles underneath each one above it... Continue repeating for 16 levels...
What you will notice is that each level doubles the previous one.
This represents your network. You get 2 people in 7 days, they get 2 people in 7 days. Each week your team would double in size...
At the end of 20 weeks on that plan, your potential income is $181,00 per month! PER MONTH...
Still don't believe it?
I am about to completely blow your mind!
So I said I'd tell you how to do it in 30 days...
The magic of this opportunity is that once somebody joins, you have your entire upline building underneath YOU... They can - AND WILL - place people underneath YOU...
That is how this team is built - straight down. So when people up above recruit more than 2, they get placed down the line... underneath the new people..
But guess what... If you have not personally recruited your two people yet, you will miss out on those overrides..
Monday, July 7, 2008
Building A Profitable Network Marketing Business
Many people try a network marketing opportunity when they first start an online business. They start with high hopes that this will be an easy way to achieve financial independence. However the novelty soon wears off and the hard reality sets in, there is no such thing as an easy, no work way to start a business.
All businesses great and small require an initial period of disciplined work. There is no such thing as "making 1000's in a few days with no work. Yes, as a home based business person you can "make money in your pajamas," if you wish, but even if you do not get dressed, you still have to discipline yourself to a certain amount of work for your business, on a regular basis. Network marketing is no exception.
Always remember that network marketing is a team business. In order to make money in this field you must be prepared to work closely with your team members. Welcome them to the team, introduce yourself as their upline and offer help if they need it. Some of your team members will respond, others will not, work with the ones who do respond. These are your potentially strong members and are the lifeblood of your business. Try to build relationships with these members by offering help and discussing marketing techniques. Remember the team concept, your downline's success is your success, you will all profit together. If something has been successful with you share, and encourage your team members to share their successes with their downline. In this way you will spread success to all members and build a strong active team, who are continually adding dedicated people to the team. Here are some points to start and build your profitable network marketing business.
Choose a good program that is not too expensive and has good products, that will be useful to you and your members. Take time to do all the research you can before you invest your money. Remember you will be investing your hard earned money and time into this project and will be encouraging others to do so. In order to promote something you must believe in it 100% with no reservations. Your marketing will then come over well and be more successful.
Before you join give careful thought how you will market. A common mistake of newcomers to network marketing is joining programs and not preparing themselves for how they will market the program. Make sure that the program can be marketed to a reasonably wide and accessible market. This will allow you to tap into good sized areas of prospects with relative ease.
Build your team on the "power of 3" basis. Let me explain: Market to a targeted section of people until you have 3 determined team members, serious and willing to work with you. They will be the foundation of your strong and profitable team. Train these 3 and share with them all the successful methods of marketing that you have used. Encourage and help them to get 3 good active members and train them in the same way. Those 3 members will train 3 members themselves and your team will grow to be a powerful profitable business for you all.
As you grow your first team find another, if possible related program and build your team the same way. Some of your team members may like to join a second program with you, if they like your leadership but never try to pressure them into it. Just make a suggestion and let them decide. You can build a third and possibly a forth program with these techniques. This should be enough to give you and your teams a nice monthly income. After your initial work you will only have to do a few hours of work a week to maintain your teams and advertise on a regular basis.
A few marketing techniques that do well for network marketing are:
Ezine Advertising: Keep careful track of these ads and see which do well and what has flopped. Target Home Business Opportunity ezines and newsletters. When you get enough money together try offline Home Opp magizines.
Distribute info articles on network marketing, draw attention to your affiliate link in the Bio box or draw prospects to your theme website, with all your opportunities "under one roof."
The usual website promotions like Search Engines Pay-Per-Clicks and Linking will work to bring interested prospects to your site.
Google Adwords can be used for affiliate sites if you do not want to build your own website.
You can buy leads but be very careful of the quality and age of these leads. You can waste a lot of money with this method of prospecting.
These are just a few points that can help you build a successful Network Marketing business. The golden rules to remember are, never join a program that you have not found a way to market and always work with your team members. together you will all build a profitable network marketing business and gain true financial freedom.
by: Cathy Qazalbash
All businesses great and small require an initial period of disciplined work. There is no such thing as "making 1000's in a few days with no work. Yes, as a home based business person you can "make money in your pajamas," if you wish, but even if you do not get dressed, you still have to discipline yourself to a certain amount of work for your business, on a regular basis. Network marketing is no exception.
Always remember that network marketing is a team business. In order to make money in this field you must be prepared to work closely with your team members. Welcome them to the team, introduce yourself as their upline and offer help if they need it. Some of your team members will respond, others will not, work with the ones who do respond. These are your potentially strong members and are the lifeblood of your business. Try to build relationships with these members by offering help and discussing marketing techniques. Remember the team concept, your downline's success is your success, you will all profit together. If something has been successful with you share, and encourage your team members to share their successes with their downline. In this way you will spread success to all members and build a strong active team, who are continually adding dedicated people to the team. Here are some points to start and build your profitable network marketing business.
Choose a good program that is not too expensive and has good products, that will be useful to you and your members. Take time to do all the research you can before you invest your money. Remember you will be investing your hard earned money and time into this project and will be encouraging others to do so. In order to promote something you must believe in it 100% with no reservations. Your marketing will then come over well and be more successful.
Before you join give careful thought how you will market. A common mistake of newcomers to network marketing is joining programs and not preparing themselves for how they will market the program. Make sure that the program can be marketed to a reasonably wide and accessible market. This will allow you to tap into good sized areas of prospects with relative ease.
Build your team on the "power of 3" basis. Let me explain: Market to a targeted section of people until you have 3 determined team members, serious and willing to work with you. They will be the foundation of your strong and profitable team. Train these 3 and share with them all the successful methods of marketing that you have used. Encourage and help them to get 3 good active members and train them in the same way. Those 3 members will train 3 members themselves and your team will grow to be a powerful profitable business for you all.
As you grow your first team find another, if possible related program and build your team the same way. Some of your team members may like to join a second program with you, if they like your leadership but never try to pressure them into it. Just make a suggestion and let them decide. You can build a third and possibly a forth program with these techniques. This should be enough to give you and your teams a nice monthly income. After your initial work you will only have to do a few hours of work a week to maintain your teams and advertise on a regular basis.
A few marketing techniques that do well for network marketing are:
Ezine Advertising: Keep careful track of these ads and see which do well and what has flopped. Target Home Business Opportunity ezines and newsletters. When you get enough money together try offline Home Opp magizines.
Distribute info articles on network marketing, draw attention to your affiliate link in the Bio box or draw prospects to your theme website, with all your opportunities "under one roof."
The usual website promotions like Search Engines Pay-Per-Clicks and Linking will work to bring interested prospects to your site.
Google Adwords can be used for affiliate sites if you do not want to build your own website.
You can buy leads but be very careful of the quality and age of these leads. You can waste a lot of money with this method of prospecting.
These are just a few points that can help you build a successful Network Marketing business. The golden rules to remember are, never join a program that you have not found a way to market and always work with your team members. together you will all build a profitable network marketing business and gain true financial freedom.
by: Cathy Qazalbash
Amazing Secrets Of A Free Traffic
Without traffic to your website, you're not going to make any money in your online business (unless you're able to tap into someone else's traffic).
For many websites... especially new sites, one of the fastest, surest ways to drive traffic to the site is pay per click search engines. The RISK in using pay per clicks is that you don't know how well that traffic is going to convert before you've paid for it. You can adjust your webpages and your pay per click listing fairly quickly, but today I want to share with you two of my MAJOR free traffic generation methods.
The most powerful weapon I've used in my marketing arsenal lately is actually... blogging. A blog is simply an on-line diary or weblog. Since they are usually updated frequently, the search engines love them and visit them often.
The way that I use my blogs is that when I make a post, I include a link to a site or webpage that I want spidered by the search engines. Google actually visits my blogs daily, and takes snapshots of everything there, and follows links from the pages, and takes snapshots of those pages! So, I make minor changes to pages that I want to get ranked higher, and then I "help" Google to find those updated pages. It's a simple, ethical, and very powerful method.
I'm fairly new at blogging, but I'm quickly getting the hang of it. Most of what I know about blogging I learned from a course by my friend Paul Short. The course is called RSS Exposed. I recommend you get a copy of Paul's course today and set aside 2 hours to digest it. Get it at:
Readers who know me, know that my real online success started with a simple soul food or southern cookbook! That one cookbook still generates a very nice six-figure income! This season of the year, I know that people are on-line searching for holiday recipes and also gift-giving ideas. My logs show me how my market finds me... keywords and sources. They show that for the cookbook, most find my site through Google, with MSN being a distant second.
My second most powerful weapon right now is that I write lots of ezine articles... like this one. Since 1998, I would estimate that I've written over 300. Those articles are a very powerful way of getting one-way links to my site. Those articles are a powerful way for people with specific problems or interest to find my sites.
Here's a simple example of how powerful articles can be. I know for a fact that the majority of people in network marketing aren't doing that great. I also know why. The proof that I know what they are doing wrong, and how to correct it, is provided by the fact that I was recently the #2 producing representative in a major network marketing company for 2 consecutive months. The only reason I wasn't #2 longer is that I've only been with the company a little over 4 month, and that in my fourth month, I was the #1 top producing rep in the entire company!
Recognizing what many network marketers are doing wrong... especially those that market over the internet, I wrote an article on the topic. This article targeted those who wanted to know why their network marketing is failing. So if you go to Google and enter...
"Network Marketing Failing" without the quotation marks, you'll see that the returns for webpages featuring my article take up the entire first page. If a person were to type in the statement "My Network Marketing Is Failing" my page ranks #1 out of 312,000. Do people search on these terms? Not as many as search on more competitive terms, but why not go after easier terms... why not go after "the low-hanging fruit."
People do visit my sites after reading the hundreds of articles that I've written, and they do make purchases and join my network marketing team. That's proof that writing and properly using articles is a very powerful traffic generation technique. I have lots of resources on how to properly do this inside my private membership site. If you're not a member, you should join today. Inside the site you'll find lots more solid, usable information like you just gotten in this article.
I've just shared with you two of my most powerful free traffic generation methods. I actually know HUNDREDS but only use a handful. I believe that it's better to get really good at using a few rather than tinkering with (but never mastering) many. You need to do your research and find the techniques that work best for you.
by: Willie Crawford
For many websites... especially new sites, one of the fastest, surest ways to drive traffic to the site is pay per click search engines. The RISK in using pay per clicks is that you don't know how well that traffic is going to convert before you've paid for it. You can adjust your webpages and your pay per click listing fairly quickly, but today I want to share with you two of my MAJOR free traffic generation methods.
The most powerful weapon I've used in my marketing arsenal lately is actually... blogging. A blog is simply an on-line diary or weblog. Since they are usually updated frequently, the search engines love them and visit them often.
The way that I use my blogs is that when I make a post, I include a link to a site or webpage that I want spidered by the search engines. Google actually visits my blogs daily, and takes snapshots of everything there, and follows links from the pages, and takes snapshots of those pages! So, I make minor changes to pages that I want to get ranked higher, and then I "help" Google to find those updated pages. It's a simple, ethical, and very powerful method.
I'm fairly new at blogging, but I'm quickly getting the hang of it. Most of what I know about blogging I learned from a course by my friend Paul Short. The course is called RSS Exposed. I recommend you get a copy of Paul's course today and set aside 2 hours to digest it. Get it at:
Readers who know me, know that my real online success started with a simple soul food or southern cookbook! That one cookbook still generates a very nice six-figure income! This season of the year, I know that people are on-line searching for holiday recipes and also gift-giving ideas. My logs show me how my market finds me... keywords and sources. They show that for the cookbook, most find my site through Google, with MSN being a distant second.
My second most powerful weapon right now is that I write lots of ezine articles... like this one. Since 1998, I would estimate that I've written over 300. Those articles are a very powerful way of getting one-way links to my site. Those articles are a powerful way for people with specific problems or interest to find my sites.
Here's a simple example of how powerful articles can be. I know for a fact that the majority of people in network marketing aren't doing that great. I also know why. The proof that I know what they are doing wrong, and how to correct it, is provided by the fact that I was recently the #2 producing representative in a major network marketing company for 2 consecutive months. The only reason I wasn't #2 longer is that I've only been with the company a little over 4 month, and that in my fourth month, I was the #1 top producing rep in the entire company!
Recognizing what many network marketers are doing wrong... especially those that market over the internet, I wrote an article on the topic. This article targeted those who wanted to know why their network marketing is failing. So if you go to Google and enter...
"Network Marketing Failing" without the quotation marks, you'll see that the returns for webpages featuring my article take up the entire first page. If a person were to type in the statement "My Network Marketing Is Failing" my page ranks #1 out of 312,000. Do people search on these terms? Not as many as search on more competitive terms, but why not go after easier terms... why not go after "the low-hanging fruit."
People do visit my sites after reading the hundreds of articles that I've written, and they do make purchases and join my network marketing team. That's proof that writing and properly using articles is a very powerful traffic generation technique. I have lots of resources on how to properly do this inside my private membership site. If you're not a member, you should join today. Inside the site you'll find lots more solid, usable information like you just gotten in this article.
I've just shared with you two of my most powerful free traffic generation methods. I actually know HUNDREDS but only use a handful. I believe that it's better to get really good at using a few rather than tinkering with (but never mastering) many. You need to do your research and find the techniques that work best for you.
by: Willie Crawford
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A Home Based Business Modeled After Google
Probably the most exciting company to not only survive, but come out strong out of the dot-com crash of the late 90's is Google Inc ( Having started out small as a company operated in the garage of a friend and employing a staff of three, Google's meteoric rise to a top name on the Internet is not really that perplexing when we analyze the core strengths and policies of this company.
I am a super-fan of Google. I am also a fan of studying success so that I can learn from it. Here are a few key points that you, as a home based business entrepreneur, can learn from Google:
1) Capital Isn't Everything
It may be hard for the newcomer to the home based business scene to swallow this fact. After all, more capital investment would mean more money to spend on advertising and building a home business. Its tempting to think how your business would be right now if you had, say $100,000 to start with, instead of the meager $1000 you scrambled to get from selling things around your home.
Capital in the wrong hands, in the hands of an inexperienced entrepreneur or marketer, is just a waste of money. Ingenuity, on the other hand, can turn a $1000 capital into a thriving business. And yes, when you get the ingenuity part right, then whatever extra capital you get would be worth so much more.
2) Differentiate and Win - Think Outside the Box
Innovation, ability to think outside the box and a willingness to test ideas and make mistakes is the trademark of any truly successful company, especially in Google's case. Recently when Google's Gmail ( was launched, many ISPs and email providers were scrambling to offer more space to their free email accounts, simply because Google offered 1G of space. What they didn't get, however, was that Gmail was more that just about space.
So how did Google differentiate? They turned what would otherwise been just another email service into something much more. It is, as any user would be able to testify, the best way to store, organize and find information contained in emails. Keeping track of business responses and follow-ups is a breeze with Gmail. Try it yourself if you cannot believe that statement.
3) Give Your Customers Exactly What They Want
The success of Google's AdWords ( and AdSense ( is due to this simple fact - they gave advertisers exactly what they wanted. Marketers wanted a quick, results based, and dynamic advertising tool, and they got Adwords. Website owners wanted more advertising revenue, but did not want the hassle of maintaining it over the hundreds of pages that they have, and they got Adsense.
Its a pretty simple strategy - understand what your customers want and give it to them!
The point is this - as a home based entrepreneur you must understand your target market's need, and serve them well. You should focus on being the best in providing the cure, not the best in preaching about the prevention. Focus on customer needs, and they will flock to you.
4) Are You Having Fun?
The fact that they can present their complicated technology in such a simple way to end-users is an act that every company can envy. Have you ever heard anyone complain about Google search being too complicated to use? Yet as an Internet marketer I can go crazy trying to understand the complexity behind the simple white page and squiggly logo.
Leave the complexity of a home based or network marketing business behind the scenes. Teach people how to have fun, while achieving goals and building their business. Show them that you are having fun yourself, and they will buy, they will join, or at least tell someone else about you, and your exciting business.
5) Focus on Your Core Competency
Yes, this is another phrase that is thrown around in the business world, but how many entrepreneurs actually practice it? As a home based entrepreneur, you may find the need to explore other sources of income. There's nothing wrong in that, but here's the catch - don't go where the money is, especially if it's not related to what you're doing.
Many people tend to find other sources of income that is totally unrelated to their main home business. As a result of that, they become an expert in nothing, and they become the best in nothing. If you make custom furniture at home, why take a job at a fast food chain to make ends meet, when you can explore other ways to make money out of your core competency? Having woodworking workshops, writing a 'how to' book on woodworking, or even a sales job at a furniture outlet can make good sources of additional revenue, while building your name and expertise on your core competency itself.
by: Gobala Krishnan
I am a super-fan of Google. I am also a fan of studying success so that I can learn from it. Here are a few key points that you, as a home based business entrepreneur, can learn from Google:
1) Capital Isn't Everything
It may be hard for the newcomer to the home based business scene to swallow this fact. After all, more capital investment would mean more money to spend on advertising and building a home business. Its tempting to think how your business would be right now if you had, say $100,000 to start with, instead of the meager $1000 you scrambled to get from selling things around your home.
Capital in the wrong hands, in the hands of an inexperienced entrepreneur or marketer, is just a waste of money. Ingenuity, on the other hand, can turn a $1000 capital into a thriving business. And yes, when you get the ingenuity part right, then whatever extra capital you get would be worth so much more.
2) Differentiate and Win - Think Outside the Box
Innovation, ability to think outside the box and a willingness to test ideas and make mistakes is the trademark of any truly successful company, especially in Google's case. Recently when Google's Gmail ( was launched, many ISPs and email providers were scrambling to offer more space to their free email accounts, simply because Google offered 1G of space. What they didn't get, however, was that Gmail was more that just about space.
So how did Google differentiate? They turned what would otherwise been just another email service into something much more. It is, as any user would be able to testify, the best way to store, organize and find information contained in emails. Keeping track of business responses and follow-ups is a breeze with Gmail. Try it yourself if you cannot believe that statement.
3) Give Your Customers Exactly What They Want
The success of Google's AdWords ( and AdSense ( is due to this simple fact - they gave advertisers exactly what they wanted. Marketers wanted a quick, results based, and dynamic advertising tool, and they got Adwords. Website owners wanted more advertising revenue, but did not want the hassle of maintaining it over the hundreds of pages that they have, and they got Adsense.
Its a pretty simple strategy - understand what your customers want and give it to them!
The point is this - as a home based entrepreneur you must understand your target market's need, and serve them well. You should focus on being the best in providing the cure, not the best in preaching about the prevention. Focus on customer needs, and they will flock to you.
4) Are You Having Fun?
The fact that they can present their complicated technology in such a simple way to end-users is an act that every company can envy. Have you ever heard anyone complain about Google search being too complicated to use? Yet as an Internet marketer I can go crazy trying to understand the complexity behind the simple white page and squiggly logo.
Leave the complexity of a home based or network marketing business behind the scenes. Teach people how to have fun, while achieving goals and building their business. Show them that you are having fun yourself, and they will buy, they will join, or at least tell someone else about you, and your exciting business.
5) Focus on Your Core Competency
Yes, this is another phrase that is thrown around in the business world, but how many entrepreneurs actually practice it? As a home based entrepreneur, you may find the need to explore other sources of income. There's nothing wrong in that, but here's the catch - don't go where the money is, especially if it's not related to what you're doing.
Many people tend to find other sources of income that is totally unrelated to their main home business. As a result of that, they become an expert in nothing, and they become the best in nothing. If you make custom furniture at home, why take a job at a fast food chain to make ends meet, when you can explore other ways to make money out of your core competency? Having woodworking workshops, writing a 'how to' book on woodworking, or even a sales job at a furniture outlet can make good sources of additional revenue, while building your name and expertise on your core competency itself.
by: Gobala Krishnan
So you have decided to join a network marketing company with the goal of building a successful home business! How do you know if you have what it takes to succeed? Do you even know what it takes to succeed?
If you were planning to purchase a conventional business of some kind, perhaps, an appliance business or a shoe store, you would be asking some specific questions before investing your hard-earned money. You would want to consider the following:
• Does it have stability, or is it a risky new start-up venture?
• How hard will it be to acquire customers for my product or service?
• How long will it take to break even and then make a profit?
• How much time do I have to devote to this business?
• Is there a mentor nearby who will teach me the business?
• Am I willing to stick with this even though there may be a number of obstacles to overcome & not everything goes right all the time?
Your list of questions could go on and on.
Now let’s turn to another scenario. Instead of purchasing a conventional business, you find many “opportunities” on the internet. Network marketing, of course, has the great benefit of enabling you to build a residual income from the comfort of your own home at a much lower start-up cost. However, there is much “hype” on the internet, countless websites really look great, and they make success sound so easy, that it can be deceiving to the average person..
So when the person joins a good company and doesn’t make big bucks in a few weeks, it is easy for him to think that the fault is with the company. Meanwhile, he’s received 14 other great offers that make it sound easier than what he just joined. He quits before even getting started and joins another company. Usually the second opportunity doesn’t work either, and he goes to number three, number four, etc. Generally the new start-up opportunities will not last long, will fail, and may even just disappear. Unfortunately, at this point a person may have spent a lot of time and money just chasing rabbits.
Here are 7 common sense MLM business tips that I believe will help you avoid this cycle of failures:
1. Find out how stable the company is. Is it a new start-up venture? If so chances are it will not be around for the long haul. Remember, you only have a future if your company has a future!
2. How much time will you be able to personally devote to this business? With network marketing, not only does it take some time to recruit people into your business, but you also have a responsibility to communicate with and try to help the people who have joined you.
3. Can you believe in the products? If you truly believe in your company’s product line, people will see your enthusiasm and be more likely to join you.
4. Are you willing to make a commitment to just the one company for at least 6 months? Most successful network marketers say you should stick with it and work it hard for at least a year. Very few marketers can do justice to promoting more than one or two network marketing companies at the same time. If you spread yourself too thin, you are less likely to succeed with any of them.
5. Is it the kind of business that you could be happy telling your friends about? For example, even though my primary way of marketing is on the internet, my company has some products that have helped me so much, I just naturally want to share their benefits with my friends.
6. Is there a system in place to help you build your business? Most good companies these days do provide their distributors with workable business tools to help them market their business both locally, and on the internet.
7. If your company provides you with a good website, how will you get people to take a look at your website? Having a support system that actually will bring people to your website for you can be the difference in success or failure for many of us.
by: Judy Thompson
If you were planning to purchase a conventional business of some kind, perhaps, an appliance business or a shoe store, you would be asking some specific questions before investing your hard-earned money. You would want to consider the following:
• Does it have stability, or is it a risky new start-up venture?
• How hard will it be to acquire customers for my product or service?
• How long will it take to break even and then make a profit?
• How much time do I have to devote to this business?
• Is there a mentor nearby who will teach me the business?
• Am I willing to stick with this even though there may be a number of obstacles to overcome & not everything goes right all the time?
Your list of questions could go on and on.
Now let’s turn to another scenario. Instead of purchasing a conventional business, you find many “opportunities” on the internet. Network marketing, of course, has the great benefit of enabling you to build a residual income from the comfort of your own home at a much lower start-up cost. However, there is much “hype” on the internet, countless websites really look great, and they make success sound so easy, that it can be deceiving to the average person..
So when the person joins a good company and doesn’t make big bucks in a few weeks, it is easy for him to think that the fault is with the company. Meanwhile, he’s received 14 other great offers that make it sound easier than what he just joined. He quits before even getting started and joins another company. Usually the second opportunity doesn’t work either, and he goes to number three, number four, etc. Generally the new start-up opportunities will not last long, will fail, and may even just disappear. Unfortunately, at this point a person may have spent a lot of time and money just chasing rabbits.
Here are 7 common sense MLM business tips that I believe will help you avoid this cycle of failures:
1. Find out how stable the company is. Is it a new start-up venture? If so chances are it will not be around for the long haul. Remember, you only have a future if your company has a future!
2. How much time will you be able to personally devote to this business? With network marketing, not only does it take some time to recruit people into your business, but you also have a responsibility to communicate with and try to help the people who have joined you.
3. Can you believe in the products? If you truly believe in your company’s product line, people will see your enthusiasm and be more likely to join you.
4. Are you willing to make a commitment to just the one company for at least 6 months? Most successful network marketers say you should stick with it and work it hard for at least a year. Very few marketers can do justice to promoting more than one or two network marketing companies at the same time. If you spread yourself too thin, you are less likely to succeed with any of them.
5. Is it the kind of business that you could be happy telling your friends about? For example, even though my primary way of marketing is on the internet, my company has some products that have helped me so much, I just naturally want to share their benefits with my friends.
6. Is there a system in place to help you build your business? Most good companies these days do provide their distributors with workable business tools to help them market their business both locally, and on the internet.
7. If your company provides you with a good website, how will you get people to take a look at your website? Having a support system that actually will bring people to your website for you can be the difference in success or failure for many of us.
by: Judy Thompson
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